fortunes — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Mr Big - King of Pentacles

phonto (15)

This one is so blindlingly obvious I really don't even know if it needs to be said. But just in case - Mr Big is the King of Pentacles.

Sex and the City 2

Wanna talk about powerful dudes? Go talk about Mr Big. Not only is he powerful in the office, he's powerful in social situations, and in the bedroom. He ooooozes sex appeal (if you're into like, rich guys) and he's handsome as hell! And he's not just like a regular rich guy with a good job, this guy owns the place. He's a tycoon, a banker, he's got a yacht and it's big enough to live on while his schmucks at the office keep things under control for a month or so.

He's rich, he's smooth, he's damn charming and oh yeah, totally smug about it. Who the hell else in the world could have 'abso-fucking-luely' as their catch phrase and still have women swoon?! I mean it's so cringy really...


In regular life (hey, we don't all hang out with people who own yachts) he might turn up as a an entrepreneur, a guy who studied business, real estate agents, guys who drive expensive cars, CEOs, bankers, investors, conservative guys who spend money on suits and big TVs, corporate guys, OK you get it. Also this guy is kind of predictable; you know when he's gonna cancel cocktails because something always comes up at work. He's an Earth sign, but he's no way not a hippy. He's not out hugging trees he's planning cities from his penthouse office.

So who's this guy when he's reversed? Oh yeah, he's the guy who's having an affair, making dodgy business deals, cheating on his wife and not turning up to your wedding. You seriously don't want to see this guy reversed in a reading (especially about weddings), but upright - girls and boys - you'll be in for the ride of your life! And guys if the King of Pentacles is you - WOAH - keep doing what you're doing and don't say you're going to marry anyone if you don't really feel like it.

Love, light and Sex and the City marathons,
