Spring Equinox Tarot or Oracle Spread
I don't know about you guys, but that winter felt really loooooong! I've totally hibernated. I've been working my butt off, reading a bunch of spiritual and YA books, watching way too many episodes of Heartland and generally being pretty boring.
But now that Spring is here I'm feeling the buzz, like all those seeds sown bloody ages ago are finally turning into plants and I totally feel like I'm coming back to life!
So I made this super cute spread for y'all in the shape of a flower (obvs) so you can see your efforts turning into pretty petals and hack off anything that's stopping you from blooming!
For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere you might wanna come back to this in like, six months...
Or, feel free to do this spread any time you feel like you could use some rejuvenation!
As always, use whatever cards resonate with you and if you do share this spread on social media just hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you! :D
I used the Fountain Tarot and the Magical Messages from the Fairies deck as an example reading for you, because hello, it's Spring and that's Fairy new year! :P
You roots are holding the magic of the seeds you've sown over the past few months or even the last few years.
This card also lets you know what is grounding you right now in your life.
I pulled Debt Paid Off and The Sun!
All that hard work I put in over the winter is finally paying off and it's time to switch up grounding myself in hard work and books with grounding myself in joy and nature walks!
You are a super strong being of light, and this spring you are holding your own again!
This card lets you know where you can draw strength from and also reminds you of your own strengths that may have been dormant lately.
I pulled Dietary Change and the Hanged Man.
Just looking at this guy with his pretty sleek physique is making me think this is all about exercise and eating better! Spring is an awesome time to shift up and change your eating habits and get back to those dance classes!
This little bud isn't opening yet, but it will! This is a sort of "potential future" for your Spring!
I pulled Prefect Timing and Queen of Coins reversed.
A message that I have the potential to step more fully into my Queen of Coins this season, but there's some other lessons and blessings to move through first.
This bud is budding! Not yet totally open, but we're nearly there!
I pulled Good-bye to the Old, Hello to the New and Strength reversed. Time to call on some inner strength to help get me through this transition from old sleepy winter Vix to new sparkly spring Vix!
Whoop! So here's something that is already blossoming in your life!
I got Get Some Exercise (LOL!) and Six of Coins reversed. For me this is like my journey of switching my focus to my body and spirit instead of my possessions! Sure I still wanna get paid, but focus has switched for me from material stuff to health and wellbeing.
OK, so you can really only get some awesome growth happening if you do some pruning too. Spring is an awesome time to prune away any old branches, clearing out the closet and laying to rest some old thought patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.
I pulled Pregnancy and Page of Swords reversed. What's up with all these reversed cards huh??
I have a lot of projects that are unfinished. This feels like a kick in the pants to get them birthed by the Summer. Also that Page of Swords is reminding me so much that I need to clear my energy better. Thanks man.
What else are you pruning??
I got Your Desire Is Within Reach and The Devil reversed.
Here's a card I actually love seeing reversed! LOL! This for me is like releasing old anxiety and stress. Keeping the faith and throwing away the doubt, and finally freeing myself of some of the old thoughts and beliefs that keep me stuck sometimes.
Here's your big bloom! What is really working in your life, what's coming up roses for you this season?
I got Patience (REALLY??) and The Emperor.
This is all like staying in my power, invoking my inner CEO and getting a bit better at some of the right brained biz stuff, but also a reminder that this stuff takes time. Being present, enjoying each day and finding that balance between doing the work and being in flow.
I would love to see your spreads if you wanna share! You can share by either tagging me on Instagram, hashtagging #newagehipster on Twitter or Facebook or coming to hang out in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group or Tarot Nerds!
With love, light and blooming springs!
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