oracle cards — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


oracle cards

Spring Equinox Tarot or Oracle Spread

Spring Equinox Spread for Tarot or Oracle

I don't know about you guys, but that winter felt really loooooong! I've totally hibernated. I've been working my butt off, reading a bunch of spiritual and YA books, watching way too many episodes of Heartland and generally being pretty boring.

But now that Spring is here I'm feeling the buzz, like all those seeds sown bloody ages ago are finally turning into plants and I totally feel like I'm coming back to life! 

So I made this super cute spread for y'all in the shape of a flower (obvs) so you can see your efforts turning into pretty petals and hack off anything that's stopping you from blooming!

For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere you might wanna come back to this in like, six months...

Or, feel free to do this spread any time you feel like you could use some rejuvenation

As always, use whatever cards resonate with you and if you do share this spread on social media just hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you! :D 

I used the Fountain Tarot and the Magical Messages from the Fairies deck as an example reading for you, because hello, it's Spring and that's Fairy new year! :P



You roots are holding the magic of the seeds you've sown over the past few months or even the last few years. 

This card also lets you know what is grounding you right now in your life.

I pulled Debt Paid Off and The Sun!

All that hard work I put in over the winter is finally paying off and it's time to switch up grounding myself in hard work and books with grounding myself in joy and nature walks!



You are a super strong being of light, and this spring you are holding your own again! 

This card lets you know where you can draw strength from and also reminds you of your own strengths that may have been dormant lately.

I pulled Dietary Change and the Hanged Man.

Just looking at this guy with his pretty sleek physique is making me think this is all about exercise and eating better!  Spring is an awesome time to shift up and change your eating habits and get back to those dance classes!



This little bud isn't opening yet, but it will! This is a sort of "potential future" for your Spring!

I pulled Prefect Timing and Queen of Coins reversed.

A message that I have the potential to step more fully into my Queen of Coins this season, but there's some other lessons and blessings to move through first. 



This bud is budding! Not yet totally open, but we're nearly there!

I pulled Good-bye to the Old, Hello to the New and Strength reversed. Time to call on some inner strength to help get me through this transition from old sleepy winter Vix to new sparkly spring Vix! 



Whoop! So here's something that is already blossoming in your life!

I got Get Some Exercise (LOL!) and Six of Coins reversed. For me this is like my journey of switching my focus to my body and spirit instead of my possessions! Sure I still wanna get paid, but focus has switched for me from material stuff to health and wellbeing. 



OK, so you can really only get some awesome growth happening if you do some pruning too. Spring is an awesome time to prune away any old branches, clearing out the closet and laying to rest some old thought patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

I pulled Pregnancy and Page of Swords reversed. What's up with all these reversed cards huh??

I have a lot of projects that are unfinished. This feels like a kick in the pants to get them birthed by the Summer. Also that Page of Swords is reminding me so much that I need to clear my energy better. Thanks man. 



What else are you pruning??

I got Your Desire Is Within Reach and The Devil reversed.

Here's a card I actually love seeing reversed! LOL! This for me is like releasing old anxiety and stress. Keeping the faith and throwing away the doubt, and finally freeing myself of some of the old thoughts and beliefs that keep me stuck sometimes.



Here's your big bloom! What is really working in your life, what's coming up roses for you this season?

I got Patience (REALLY??) and The Emperor. 

This is all like staying in my power, invoking my inner CEO and getting a bit better at some of the right brained biz stuff, but also a reminder that this stuff takes time. Being present, enjoying each day and finding that balance between doing the work and being in flow. 


I would love to see your spreads if you wanna share! You can share by either tagging me on Instagram, hashtagging #newagehipster on Twitter or Facebook or coming to hang out in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group or Tarot Nerds

With love, light and blooming springs!



The Circle



A monthly membership to support you on your spiritual path.

Each month we dive into a new topic, and you get a PDF workbook including info, journal prompts + an exclusive tarot/oracle spread, downloadable MP3 meditative journey and access to a community of gorgeous like-minded souls.

Weekly Wisdom - Crystal Reading Cards Reading - 4th to 10th May 2015

Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman
Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman

Say hello to the beautiful Crystal Reading Cards by Rachelle Charman! This deck caught my eye at the Belgrave Book Barn (I think I spent almost a whole day in there!) in Australia last month and I just HAD to have it! I've seen a lot of crystal decks around, but none have called to me like this one... As soon as I opened it I did myself a reading and I cried because it was so good! I hope you love them as much as I do!

Start of the week - Sunstone - Empowerment

This is all about standing in your power. Be kind to people for sure, but don't let anyone walk all over you. You have a great deal of inner strength and power, you may find you need to call upon that this week. Open up to your power! Don't be afraid to speak your truth even if you think other people won't like it. Maybe they will like it, maybe they will love it, who knows! Be true to who you are this week, it's way more important than what they say about you by the water cooler.

Middle of the week - Malachite - Healing

Whenever you've healed one part of your life you find something else that needs healing. This doesn't mean that you should just stop bothering - it means the opposite! We are always healing. Spend some time this week acknowledging and considering your healing needs. Get a reading, get some reiki, have some therapy, sometimes we need help with our healing and can't always do it all on our own with a guided meditation. Sometimes you need to speak to a real person! Let others help you heal.

End of the week - Black Tourmaline - Protection

When your energy feels low, or impacted by other people you may need to think about some new energy protection strategies. Watch the video below for a great tip on how to visualise yourself totes protected even without the use of crystals! If you feel like you've been too open and given too much, take some time for you. You might just need a little alone time this week too. Don't feel guilty about it, sometimes you just need to be alone to recharge and stay shiny.

If you would like your very own personal reading using these cards or any others you can always pop over to my Etsy Store, OR you can come see me IN PERSON at what is going to be a very special day this coming weekend - Higher Selfie Live! It's a free event in London which promises to be totally soul nourishing! Check out this link for all the deets!

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter down below too! I only email you once a week (on Sunday!) to update you with your weekly reading and any other bits and pieces that might help you on your journey, nothing spammy and nothing salesy!

I'm wishing you all a beautiful week here on planet Earth filled with tumble stones, chats with your higher selfie and glitter fingers!

<3 Love, light and crystal healing energy <3



Vicious gossip + white light - The weekly Reading Jan 19 - 24 2015

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech

I just had to use my newest deck for the weekly reading this week. I've been loooooving it with my whole heart! It's the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech and if you like it, you can get it (AND SHOULD GET IT!) by clicking here. Also, check out that killer review on Wordery! I freaking LOVE Wordery!

Anyway! Here are your Faery messages for this week...

Start of the week - Silver Sisters

This card is all about gossip and negative energy. It could be that others are throwing their negative vibes at you and you need to protect yourself from it, or it could be that you have thrown some daggers and nasty words around about others. This is bad, and I know it's hard because some people seriously are dicks and they piss you off and so you need to vent. But make sure your venting doesn't throw negative energy at that person. It's OK to say to a friend - it made me feel really mad when this person did [whatever]. It's not OK to go on a total bitch-fest. Raise your vibration and stop bitching. If you are in a seriously negative environment and just can't see how that's even possible - get out of it.

If you need protection from this kind of negativity try imagining yourself in a pink (or colour of your choice) bubble. Clear yourself with white light and ask your Angels, Faeries and Guides to clear you and keep you safe from other people's negativity. You can also wear crystals - especially dark colours like black tourmaline or obsidian.

Middle of the week - The Grail Faery

The new moon on Tuesday night is going to bring us into a re-set vibe. You can read more about this coming new moon on Gala Darling's blog. This Faery is telling us a similar story. We need to check in with our new years resolutions or 2015 goals or wishes. Are you on the same path you were on at the start of this year? Do you need to amp it up and put in some extra effort? Do you need to totally get back on course? Do you just need to re-affirm your commitment to making 2015 your best year EVER?! Time to make yourself accountable. Let go of procrastination and any shit that's weighing you down and get back on track!

If you wanna work on your goals you need this book. If you are feeling like - OMG WTF am I doing with my 2015 and my life?! have a think about getting one of the last remaining 2015 readings!

End of the week - The Unicorn and the Maiden

Woah, what a powerful card. This is all about humans and animals coming together to work together to create peace on this planet. What do you need to do in your life to create a better planet? Recycle, stop buying crazy packaged fruit or veg when you could buy it loose. Pat and love animals instead of wearing them as fancy outfits. Buy the 'safe' versions of cleaning products. OK, this isn't always totally practical, but do your best. Do what you can.

Every night before you go to sleep imagine planet Earth, like how it looks from space. Imagine white light surrounding the planet - creating peace. Imagine if we all did that.

If you need any more tips and tricks on how to protect yourself energetically or if you want to share your tools and thoughts please come by Facebookand hang out! If you'd like a reading with me check out my Readingspage and if you want to see these cards up close and personal follow me on Instagram!

Here's to a totally awesome week! :-)

<3 Love, light and Unicorn pats <3


Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3



It's 2015! #YAY! what?!

Image from

Image from

2015 is here!!! We've been waiting for it for MONTHS, and you know what? I do feel different! Don't you?! I feel the buzz! I feel the vibes! I feel the abundant '8' year energy and ready to say to hell with the dress rehearsal let's dance the shit out of this year! 

That feeling is great, but that feeling alone doesn't get you very far alone. You have to work, think, plan and take action to make this the best year EVER! You can't be sitting around in a relationship that's no good for you. You can't hang on to a job that is sucking you dry emotionally and energetically. You can't just carry on like you always do and expect things to change.

So here's where I can help. I'm offering a bunch of uplifting and empowering 2015 email readings. I'll look at the energy of your year, things to get excited about and plan for, things to be aware of and practical tips on what to actually do with this energy to help you make this year AMAZING! For a full reading (which goes for £40) I'll also see which Angel and Goddess want to work with you and give you a message from the Fairies! For £20 you get a shorter version of a full reading and for ONLY £10 you get a minimum three card reading looking at the major themes, challenges and messages you need in your life right now + an Angel to work with (or Goddess or Fairy if you so wish!).

I'm always totally open to communicating with you about your reading and love to email about it all to make sure you get the most out of the experience. If you have any questions about this reading, or anything I do, or anything at all I'd love to hear from you. I'm x You can also come chat to me on Facebook.

You can find out more by watching the video below, checking out the Readings page or heading over to the Etsy store.

<3 Sending you so much love, light and abundant 2015 vibes!! <3



Weekly card reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 24th to 30th November

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine This week I used the super cute marshmallow cloud deck by Doreen and Radleigh - the Guardian Angel Tarot. You can read my review of it on Silent Voices by clicking here!

Monday - Ace of Abundance

Be open to all that the Universe has to offer today. Mondays seriously suck for most of us, but if we look around some pretty cool things might be going on. Someone might tell you they like your shoes. A friend might buy your Starbucks. You might even win the lottery! Be open to receiving today. 

Tuesday - Healer of Abundance

Get creative! What creative stuff do you like doing? Writing, painting, dancing, journalling? Get creative today. It could even be a fun day to do something creative that you usually wouldn't do!

Wednesday - Ten of Action

Woah there tiger, take a well earned break! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Remember from Monday's card - help is all around you, just be open to it! If you are someone who is always listening to everyone else's problems call someone today and tell them yours. 

Thursday - Be Open to Success

Guys, don't ignore your guidance. You know that feeling, the one you've had before about some jerk and ignored and then later you say "I knew I shouldn't have dated that jerk!"? Don't ignore it! Listen to it and follow it!

Friday - Six of Abundance

WOOP! 3 Abundance cards! Yay! Accept all that the Universe is offering you right now. Be thankful. Don't brush off compliments and rewards, you deserve it baby!

Saturday - Eight of Action

A super busy Saturday! Make a to do list and get everything done so you can do something fun later. Or, if you are feeling just way too overwhelmed with life, sleep in and worry about it later.

Sunday - Seven of Emotion

Are you making life decisions based on what other people want? Urgh, that sounds lame. Do what you love, do what calls to you, but make sure you are doing it all for the right reasons. I mean don't take up some random career just to piss off your parents or something right? I love this card's text "Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choices that celebrates who you truly are."

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get your daily version of the weekly reading and Facebook where all the fun happens. OK, I'm trying to make the fun happen there, but I need your help! Ha, look at me asking for help on a Monday! ;-)

Wishing you all a beautiful abundant week!

<3 Love and light! <3



Angel Prayers Oracle Deck Review

Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

OK so these just may be my favourite Angel cards of all time people! Yes, I said it. I love Doreen Virtue and all her card decks. I love them so much sometimes I just sit and look at all of them on Wordery or Google images, pining over the ones I don't have already. But I digress - today we are talking about Kyle Gray - Prince of Earth Angels and his brand new deck of 44 cards the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards published by Hay House.


These come in a nice sturdy hard box just like the Hay House Doreen decks. I love this box because it keeps your cards safe and I'm not into the whole silk scarf/keep your cards somewhere sacred thing, although a lot of you probably are and that's fine too! I just throw these around like everywhere I go. In my handbag, on the floor next to my bed, falling out of my suitcase in the car boot, no worries, this tough box will keep them safe! In the box you'll find your 44 cards plus a nice quality little guide book which features more info on each card as well as some spreads and ideas on how to clear and use your deck.


Shuffling these cards is kind of hard if you have small hands, but it bigger cards make for bigger pictures! Watch the video below for some different ways to shuffle these cards. I find shuffling them pretty easy - after gently peeling some of them apart when you first get them they are totally smooth shuffling.


WOW, all I can say is wow I love the artwork on these cards. It's fresh, modern and totally resonates with me as some kind of new age hipster type person. As much as I love the 'traditional' angel cards, seeing your angels looking hot and with purple or turquoise hair and looking like they just came out of some bar in East London certainly appeals to me! The images are bold and beautiful but at the same time simplistic enough to get the messages across quickly and easily. Each card also features an Angel Prayer and I love these. It gives you a focus, especially on those days when you are like - OK, trust my vibes, but how?! Just say the prayer on the card! Sometimes I like to say it 3 times. ;-)

Trust your vibes The inner voice Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Trust your vibes The inner voice Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards


These cards areso easy to use. Even if you've never had a deck of angel or tarot cards before, you can pick this pack up and start reading for yourself pretty easily. I would totally recommend the Angel Prayers Oracle as a first angel oracle card deck. Having said that I have like a gazillion other decks and I still love this one! Here's some ideas of how you can use this deck -

<3 pull a card in the morning before school/work/whatever - I say something like 'Angels do you have any messages for me today? Thank you!'

<3 pull a card at night before bed by asking the angels for any messages

<3 asking a question and pulling one card - e.g. what do I need to know about (insert issue here!)?

<3 find out about your life purpose

<3 three card reading - past, present, potential future or just three cards to answer a question about an issue you are having

<3 the awesome 9 card spread in the guide book!

<3 meditate on a card of your own choice, or one you pull at random

<3 when you find a card you totally resonate with for whatever reason stand it up on your bedside table to keep that energy around you while you sleep

<3 manifest! Find a card that resonates with what you want to manifest (hello Archangel Orion!) and leave it out where you can see it all the time

<3 asking if a particular Archangel is with you - e.g. ask - is there an Archangel who wants to work with me?

<3 learn the Archangels

<3 just about anything else you want to do with it!

In the video below I do a tiny mini-reading for Emma about her life purpose and it kind of blew me away! These cards definitely work and I can't say enough good things about them. If you want a reading with me using these cards head to my readings page or find me on Facebook and whip me a message!

You can get yourself a box at Kyle's store for a tenner - and for more info about Kyle and the amazing work he's doing check him out at -

<3 New Age Hipster stamp of approval! <3


 Love, light and Angel Prayers!



The Week Ahead - 27th of October to 2nd of November

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Mercury is finally going direct! Yay! Now let's see what amazingness is in store this week via the beautiful Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards that I am so in love with right now I even made a video review, but I'll post all about that later...


Healthy Choices - OK, so it's Monday and if you're anything like me that healthy eating thing has a habit of going out the window on weekends sometimes. Today we are being urged to make a healthy choice - eat your vegies, do some exercise, drink a smoothie, or at the very least don't eat that whole packet of biscuits today! Do something today your body will thank you for.


Honour Your Feelings - Whatever you are going through on Tuesday, just allow it. Ask yourself today - how am I really feeling? Maybe you have some feelings that you've been hiding from even yourself. How do you really feel about that guy/girl? How do you really feel about your job? OMG, how do you really feel about your life?! However you are feeling today is totally valid. Cry in the shower, dance around the lounge room, scream in the broom closet and don't apologise for how you feel today. Unless you hurt someone with your words or actions, because that isn't cool.


The Inner Voice - last week we had an intuitive Wednesday and it looks like we are having another one this week! What's up with Wednesdays? Another great day to stop, meditate, get quiet, journal or whatever else works for you and tune into that inner voice. And pay attention to what you hear! When we follow the loving and supportive guidance of our inner voice things can only get better.


Unconditional Love - OK, who have you been sending daggers to this week? Some guy who took up all the space on the train? What about that jerk that cut you off in traffic? How about your evil boss or someone that barged you in the supermarket? Hey, maybe you've even been sending daggers to yourself. Today is about releasing daggers. Send love to the people who piss you off (hey, I know it's hard). I sometimes just imagine sending a yellow heart to people. You don't have to like them, but asking love and light to surround people that drive you nuts is totally therapeutic and makes everyone feel better. You might even need to spend some time today asking Mother Mary to send you some unconditional love too. We could all use a bit of that!


Speak Your Truth - Today we are speaking up for someone, something or ourselves. When you see someone being mean to a shop assistant don't just stand there, tell them it's not cool. Speak up in meetings, post your truth on the internet, clear your throat chakra! This card also suggests that we donate or join a cause for those who can't speak for themselves. People who can't communicate effectively due to disabilities or other conditions, animals, nature. Cats can't talk, but we can talk for them and so we should!


Live Your Joy - I mean WOW! What an amazing card to get for a Saturday! You are free today to follow your joy, whatever that is! Do whatever makes your heart and soul sing with joy today. Go out with friends, get out in nature, read a book, bake cupcakes, spend time with family and loved ones, watch a silly movie, go shopping for candles, go to Lush and buy yourself a bath bomb (OMG so obsessed with Lush right now!), work on your novel, scrapbook something awesome. Today just DO YOU!


Leap of Faith - Last weekend we talked about the Fool card and how we needed to start making plans for the next big leap of faith - well here it is again! We've started planning it, now it's time to get the Angels involved and ask them for their input! Spend some time today dreaming, planning and asking for guidance, and if you're already ready - do it! Start that blog, start that website for your business, send that manuscript to that publisher, upload your art on Etsy, or start searching the internet for your dream job.

I'm wishing everyone an amazing week this week, and if you fancy a reading EVERYTHING IN THE ETSY STORE IS 33% OFF this week only with the code: halfterm.

Love, light and Angel Prayers!



This Week - Go Outside!

Cordelia Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue New Age Hipster x Better late than never right? I'm not going to go into a whole apologetic spiel about how my life is so busy and important and why I didn't do this earlier. I'm just going to accept where I am and do my best to bring you some New Age Hipster love and insights on a random Wednesday.

I pulled the 'Cordelia' card from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue on Sunday and posted this short but sweet reading about the card on Facebook:

We don't belong in high rise buildings. We don't belong in tube trains. We don't belong in front of our huge flat screen TVs. We belong outside (unless it's really cold right?!) among the trees, fresh air, nature spirits and fairies. We should be looking up at the stars and remembering how amazing this planet and the universe truly is, rather than sitting in front of our laptops all night.

So many times in readings we get 'spend time in nature' type advice, well I know I do! I'm pretty lucky where I live because I have a garden, but I don't always spend time there. I tried to yesterday but there were so many spiders around I got freaked out and had to come back inside! (OK I have some stuff to work through with that!) We don't all live in Summer Bay where you can go hang out at the beach on your lunch break. We don't all have access to a beautiful forest to walk through on the way home from work. If you do have close access to an amazing natural environment then please stop reading this post and go and enjoy it! You don't know how lucky you are!

If you can't even think of how you can possibly spend a decent amount of time in nature this week, or any week for that matter let's have a look at some real life examples of how to connect with nature this week and every week!

<3 Take a walk anywhere for any length of time. Walk through a playground or stand next to some trees. You don't have to be in the countryside to stand near a tree right?!

<3 Buy a pot plant or a bunch of flowers! If Mohammed can't go to the mountain, bring some of the mountain inside!

<3 Make flowers or nature images your phone or laptop screen saver! I got this idea from the lovely Robert Reeves!

<3 Donate some money or time (if you have any!) to an environmental cause - *plug* I'm about to start offering cat charity readings on Etsy so watch this space!

<3 Learn about or read about the Nature Spirits and Fairies! If anyone would like a fairy reading let me know! It's not on my Etsy store, but I'm happy to create one for you! :-D

<3 Recycle! You can rinse our your empty Chinese containers and throw them in the recycling!

<3 When you find yourself outside take deeper breaths! You want all that fresh air in you! This way you can make a ten minute walk feel like a half an hour!

<3 Wind down the windows in your car!

<3 Open the windows in your house. I love opening all the windows, or at least like a front and back door or window to let some air through!

<3 Eat fresh herbs and stuff that grows outside

<3 Pat an animal

<3 Watch a sunset or sunrise

<3 Look at the stars!

What other ways do you connect with nature when you can't get out? I'd love to hear about your ideas on Facebook or Twitter!

Sending you loads of love, light and happy nature vibes!





The Week Ahead - Home is where you choose it

Home Mary Queen of Angels

This week's reading comes from Mother Mary via Doreen Virtue's Mary Queen of Angels oracle card deck. I love working with Mother Mary. Her energy is so soft, loving and yet deeply powerful. When I call on her I often get a feeling that she is standing right behind me, it's gentle and so peaceful and a strong feeling of just being 'loved'.

Today Mary is giving us some guidance about our home, but not in the material sense of home being a place of mud, stone and mortar. This message is about finding your spiritual home. It's about finding your people, finding the right spiritual leaders to follow and actually it's also about finding the place within yourself where you feel comfortable and safe. How do you connect with that place? How do you connect with the divine?

Spirituality isn't religion. We don't have a doctrine to abide by, we are free to choose what works for us, what makes sense to us and live according to what resonates with our own highest self. How amazing is that?! We are so lucky in this day and age that we have this freedom. It was not so long ago that I would've been killed for even whispering these ideas, let alone writing them down and publishing them on the internet!

But here we are, in 2014, and we have the freedom to decide where we want to live, who we want to live with and how we are going to pay our rent. So why not choose our spiritual family and home as well?

Take some time this week to think about your spiritual home. What does it mean to you? Who do you want to live with? Do you want choirs of angels by your bed? A spirit guide to chat to over a cup of tea? Do you want to sit out in nature and commune with the nature spirits and fairies? Do you want to follow the teachings of Jesus and hang a Rosary in your car? Do you want to work with the saints and ask for Saint Christopher's protection while travelling? How about just being in communication with God or the Universe? Do you want to do energy work and raise your vibration through your chakra system? How about reading all the books about Native American spirituality? Cast spells and sit in sacred circles, read the Book of Mormon, try Kundalini Yoga, explore your life purpose through Numerology, read the Tarot, pull some runes, or like me, you might want to try and do all of the above plus so much more!

The message Mary has for us today is that it doesn't matter what you do, or how or who you connect with in your spiritual home as long as you live your life from a place of love and are kind to people, animals and the Earth.

So think about your spiritual home this week, but whatever you find there, and however you find it hold the space and respect those who find it differently. Just because you like apartment living doesn't mean those people living in shipping container houses are doing it wrong. As long as you pay your rent and are kind to the neighbours right?!

And while we are ordering off the spiritual menu, browsing spiritual books on Amazon, playing with our tarot and oracle card decks, reading about various spiritual ideas on the internet and chatting to like minded souls this week, may we all send love and prayers for peace this week to those areas of the world in which people do not yet have the freedom to speak their truth.

Love, light and spiritual choices,

