king of pentacles — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


king of pentacles

Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - March 16 to 22 2015

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

This week is going to be a doozy so hold onto your hats hipsters! I'm using the Cosmic Tarot, and I kind of think this is why we got such a heavy reading this week. I love how different decks give us a different energy, and this deck is one of those kicking us in the butt decks. Hey, sometimes we need that!

Start of the week – Nine of Swords reversed

There are a lot of outside influences this week that are getting in at us. We might be feeling anxious or stressed about stuff going on in our lives, but we have to remember that it has nothing to do with who you really are! Get protected this week, visualise a bubble or shield of some kind around you before you leave the house. Try to let go of this “stuff” by putting it into perspective. You need to leave work at work, leave the issues with your ex with your ex. Don't bring other people's negativity into your space.

Middle of the week – The World

Oh how wonderful! The World here is reminding us how beautiful and amazing the world really is. Go outside and breathe, look up from your iPhone for once! The world is fricking amazing and really, we are so lucky to be here. Spend some time in the awe of it this week. Again think about putting things into perspective. Sure you have stuff to do, but what can be left until tomorrow in exchange for time spent with loved ones today?

End of the week – King of Pentacles reversed

OK this is going to weird people out. I really think it's time to take a break from all the abundance manifestingand just be thankful for what we have right now. Having goals and trying to achieve stuff is great, don't get me wrong, it's awesome to be working towards big stuff! But I think sometimes we get so into manifesting money and success that we forget to take stock of what we've already done and what we have. Spend some quality time with people you love this weekend and really freaking appreciate them. If you have food on the table, a roof over your head and someone to call when you feel sad you are doing pretty bloody well. Don't forget that.

Bonus card – The Lovers (OoOooooh!)

So this card was facing the wrong way round when I took my deck out, and I totally don't remember leaving it like that! Again this is a message to spend time with loved ones this week. If you are single it's a good week to have a crush on someone new or talk to that hottie patottie who makes your soy decaf latte. If you're in a relationship put aside all that “outside stuff” for a night and go on a date! The lovers card isn't just about romance either, it can be about any kind of love - love for your pets, love for your job or love for a passion that you have! You may just want to really spend some time doing what you love this week.

So this week is really all about doing a little soul searching, working out what's really important to us, the stuff that doesn't have a cash price. It's about showing love to those you love and stopping and smelling the roses. The world is an amazing place and life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.

In other news I'm heading off to sunny Australia next week and although I wanted to pre-write and record a bunch of readings for you for while I'm gone I've decided to give myself a little self care treat and recharge my energies so I can come back fresh and ready for a new chapter in the New Age Hipster story, including the weekly readings getting a little shake up! If you've been thinking of ordering a reading from my Etsy Store you need to get in quick sticks! I have some slots available early this week, but I will be going on vacay mode on Wednesday (18.3.15)! I'll still be on Facebook and Instagram posting loads of photos of kangaroos, Aussie themed tarot decks (I hope I can find some!), Melbourne coffee, sparkly things and beaches! I'll still do mini insta-readings though so stay in touch!

<3 Love, light and smelling the yellow roses <3



Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3



Mr Big - King of Pentacles

phonto (15)

This one is so blindlingly obvious I really don't even know if it needs to be said. But just in case - Mr Big is the King of Pentacles.

Sex and the City 2

Wanna talk about powerful dudes? Go talk about Mr Big. Not only is he powerful in the office, he's powerful in social situations, and in the bedroom. He ooooozes sex appeal (if you're into like, rich guys) and he's handsome as hell! And he's not just like a regular rich guy with a good job, this guy owns the place. He's a tycoon, a banker, he's got a yacht and it's big enough to live on while his schmucks at the office keep things under control for a month or so.

He's rich, he's smooth, he's damn charming and oh yeah, totally smug about it. Who the hell else in the world could have 'abso-fucking-luely' as their catch phrase and still have women swoon?! I mean it's so cringy really...


In regular life (hey, we don't all hang out with people who own yachts) he might turn up as a an entrepreneur, a guy who studied business, real estate agents, guys who drive expensive cars, CEOs, bankers, investors, conservative guys who spend money on suits and big TVs, corporate guys, OK you get it. Also this guy is kind of predictable; you know when he's gonna cancel cocktails because something always comes up at work. He's an Earth sign, but he's no way not a hippy. He's not out hugging trees he's planning cities from his penthouse office.

So who's this guy when he's reversed? Oh yeah, he's the guy who's having an affair, making dodgy business deals, cheating on his wife and not turning up to your wedding. You seriously don't want to see this guy reversed in a reading (especially about weddings), but upright - girls and boys - you'll be in for the ride of your life! And guys if the King of Pentacles is you - WOAH - keep doing what you're doing and don't say you're going to marry anyone if you don't really feel like it.

Love, light and Sex and the City marathons,
