Pop Culture Spirit Guides
Connecting with your spirit guides can be kind of tricky, especially at first.
But actually, even when you've been hanging out with your guides for ages, the thought often does pop in: "what actually are spirit guides?"
I do spirit guide readings + I also help peeps meet and connect and hang out with their guides over at Woo Woo School, and the awesomeness that comes through for people is so varied!
There is a kind of "general consensus" that a spirit guide is the spirit of someone who's had a human life, usually a spiritual life of some kind, and they are with you now, guiding and supporting your journey from the other side.
I personally believe there is no one definition for "spirit Guides".
I have seen spirit guides come through for people in so many different forms.
Many spirit guides working with folks are passed over loved ones, people they've known and loved in past lives, sometimes they are twin flame kind of energies, sometimes they come through as past life versions of you, Galactic Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and yes, even characters from pop culture.
A spirit guide is spirit energy, which means that they can show themselves to you in the way that you most need to see them, and are able to understand them.
Jesus and Mother Mary, or He-Man and She-Ra? x
And there is no reason at all your guides and Angels can't appear to you as characters from pop culture.
The whole point is to help us to understand and connect with them and their energy.
Your guides may appear to you as pop culture peeps, or you can actively choose to work with them, just like we head over to Doreen V's website to choose an Angel to work with, you can do the same with Pop Culture Spirit Guides! :o
If you feel like you need some energy you see in a character on telly, go ahead and call that energy in!
Some of my fave pop culture spirit guides to call on are:
To me She-Ra is an aspect of Goddess energy. She's the divine feminine dressed to rock out.
Just like the Celtic Goddesses of like, forever ago, She-Ra is the 80's version of Goddess power, which I think we could all use a little of right now!
Call on her and connect with your own inner-She-Ra Power! And if you wanna connect deeper, check out the She-Ra spread!
If She-Ra is the divine feminine, He-Man is totally the divine masculine.
If you're feeling like you could use a little boost to your inner strength or need some protection vibes around you, he's your guy. I see him as really similar to Archangel Michael energy, but more swoll.
Falcor has been with me for a while now. I sometimes feel him curled up around me during meditation and when I'm about to fall asleep. Some people think Falcor is creepy, but I think he's adorable, and he always makes me laugh! His energy is protective, but soft and gentle.
Call him in when you need a good night's sleep or fancy a midnight joy ride!
Need a ride? Call Falcor! x
I freaking love the Labyrinth. It's full of spirit guide energy!
Hoggle is such a great spirit guide. He's definitely not a totally perfect dude in the movie, but as a spirit guide he's all positive traits - loyal, helpful and would do just about anything to get you over the Bog of Eternal Stench.
If you could use a true friend, he's the guy to call on.
Ferris Bueller
If you're suffering from a lack of confidence, call on Ferris Bueller to help you get cracking on those dreams! He's a buzzy, high vibe energy and never spares a thought for old beliefs or thought patterns of "I'm not good enough". Pah, who's got time for that? BORING!
He believes in himself, and he believes that life is there for the taking. Call on him if you need a little of that!
Need a little confidence boost? This guy has no probs in that department! x
If you want to learn more about connecting to your own spirit guides check out Woo Woo School or grab a reading and we can find out who's with you together.
With so much love, light and super fun ways to connect with your guidance,