horses — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



The week ahead - get on the horse!

photo (31) Usually when I do the week ahead reading I make a big thing out of getting in the zone and pulling a card for us all yada yada yada... Today I was playing around with a new spread which is from the Dusty White book I'm always going on about - The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot Ever. It's called the Roundabout spread and the reading I gave myself was ultra amazing! I usually suck at giving myself readings, you know how you always see what you want to see, or try to make the cards relate to a specific outcome you want, but this one was so bang on and so hard hitting that I knew it was totally what I needed to hear right now, even though some of it was a kick up in the pants!

I'll spare you the gory details of my entire reading, but one card in particular didn't just speak to me, it screamed in my face, and I thought it was worth sharing this week for the week ahead!

The Seven of Wands; it's not really that much of an exciting card really. Usually when I see this card I relate better to the people walking than the guy on the horse. I always perceive the guy on the horse as a 'boss' type, you know, that guy who gets all the glory when really, it was the people on the ground who did all the work. I've always seen him as kind of a boastful jerk and definitely not a character I relate to at all.

As part incarnated angel I don't think I've ever really been on the horse. I follow behind, working quietly in the wings, not talking about my grand plans or ambitions. That's not to say I don't have them, I just don't dance around telling everyone who'll listen. I stay relatively humble and just get on with things while my superiors constantly reap the rewards and I go home and drink half a bottle of wine while I watch True Blood and whinge about it.

Well guys, that's all about to change! I pulled this card reversed in the 'what I need to address' position and I wrote in my journal in caps - GET ON THE F***ING HORSE FOR ONCE!

This message was so intense I felt like it was for all of us. Let yourself get on the horse for once. Stop being a follower and start putting yourself out there!

Oh and PS - don't forget to check out my free readings page!

Love light and horse riding lessons,
