spirtual — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



The week ahead - Where are you going?!

A little late with the week ahead - please forgive me! But like I said on #Caturday whenever you see this post is whenever you are meant to see it, divine timing and all that. Anyway, to celebrate that I got my new Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot deck, that I just gave away a bunch of free readings and that I'm going to be studying with Doreen in London this week I'm using the new deck! This deck is so sweet and cute and vintage and glittery and I'll do a deck review on YouTube if people want that?! Just shout at me on Facebook about what you want to see on YouTube, and even on this blog!

This week I pulled the Six of Thought, which is based on the Six of Swords. It's the boat card, the water taxi, the asylum seekers, the looking for greener pastures card. It can be a metaphorical boat or literally that you are travelling across the sea... but what does it mean for us right now this week? It's not like we're all going on a cruise.

OK, so when I pulled it I got a real sense of knowing where we are going, or rather, making sure we do know where we are going. We have the boat, we have the oars, but do we know where the hell we are heading? It's time to get clear about the destination and this card and the Angels are telling us to really look at our maps this week. Are we heading in the right direction? Have we veered off course a little? Is our heart telling us to change direction but we're still sailing towards something else?

This week ask yourself these two questions:

<3 where are you heading?

<3 where do you want to be heading?

If you get the same answers to both questions you're on your way - keep on sailing sailor! But if you're drifting towards someplace else  get out your oars and start rowing!

You have the boat and you have the power to steer it in anyway you choose, so where are you rowing your boat to?

Don't know where the hell you are going? Well (prepare for shameless promotion!) I have posted a bunch of readings on my new Etsy store including the Life Purpose reading! Yay! It's NewAgeHipsterStore and it just opened yesterday! OMG Amazement! If there's nothing on there for you but you'd still like a reading just email me, I'm vix@newagehipster.co and we can discuss alternative options. And right now I'm offering 25% discount on any Angel readings with the code ANGELS so get angel-ing if you feel called to do so!

Sending love, light and good solid oars to all who pass this way,





The Week Ahead - Old robes vs Kardashian wardrobes

photo 1 (7) Another weekly reading brought to you by the suit of coins. Sorry! Last week we had the lovely tea and chat with the angels, but guess what? It's back to being kicked in the butt - no cookies on the table today!

So the question this week is - are we spending money in alignment with our higher selves? I bought some clothes on ASOS the other day, maybe I didn't really need them. Maybe I should be living a holy life in scratchy robes and old sandals. Argh! But we can't live in robes and sandals on this planet right now, not unless we go off the grid at least. In my life right now I live in a city and I work in a public place and there's a dress code. I'm not even allowed to wear sandals.

So where do we draw the line between dressing like a monk and spending like a Kardashian? How do we know how much is OK and how much is too much? Obviously our bank accounts can give us some advice about that, but using how much is in your bank account to gauge how much you can spend leads you to doing what I did last month - nearly hitting zero!

So the real question here is how do we get into alignment with 'good' spending?! Right, let's pull another card...

photo 2 (8)

Looks like we need to put our purchases on the metaphorical scale of spending Justice!

Imagine on one side of the scale sits your glowing gorgeous higher self (a mini version, obviously your higher self is bigger than can fit on a scale!) and on the other put your purchases. Do they balance out? Is your ASOS shopping spree too heavy?! Is your once a month 50p charity shop buy a little too light?!

We can also think of our higher self as a 'person' and ask them what they think of our purchases too - hold up that shirt to your higher self in the changing room and see if she/he nods or shakes her/his head. Before clicking on 'purchase' look over at your higher self standing over by the pot plant, are they giving you that look? Or are they nodding with approval - after all your higher self wants you to feel good right?! It's OK to buy stuff that will make you feel good, but spending money on crap you don't even like doesn't make you feel good!

Put your purchases on the scale and see how they line up this week! I'd love to know if this resonates and works for you guys and I'll be reporting back on my progress at this at the end of the week! :-)

In other weekly news - I still have loads of free 3 card readings to give away so hook it up if you haven't already! I've finally put up a page of Praise featuring some of the amazing and wonderful feedback I've had so far and I've started putting up some links to some of the amazing people out in the world who have helped me so much on my journey so far, check them out! One of whom is the lovely Louise Androlia who I met yesterday at her wonderful double energy + surrender workshop which I'll be blogging about in the next few days. :-)

Love, light and weighing in the spending!



The Week Ahead - Steady Progress

photo (43) I've been ill. My brain is kind of like cotton wool and the thought of pulling a Tarot card today and then interpreting it into something really useful to put on my blog was like -OMG how can I?! So instead I went back to basics. I pulled a card from my Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance From Your Angels deck. I love Angel Oracle cards because they are are just really loving and gentle. There's no Death card or Tower card to deal with, and some days (like today for me!) you just need a cup of tea and a hug instead of a kick in the pants to get going on your goals. I highly recommend Angel cards for this reason, they have that energy that feels like angels putting their wings around you, even if it's still not always want you want to hear, whereas Tarot can sometimes be more of a shove in the right direction.

So today's cup of tea and hug tells us we are making steady progress!

"We acknowledge you for the progress you've made in remembering love in your daily activities. We can clearly see the contribution you're making to the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."

I don't know about you, but I constantly have the feeling that I can be doing more, that I should be doing more. If I'm not at work I should be working on my blog, practicing and reading about Tarot and other spiritual stuff, you know, working on becoming enlightened and stuff. Oh yeah and then there's working on my YA novel, reading for fun, spending time with friends and loved ones, and what about the new episodes of True Blood?! Don't even look at my carpets seriously, I haven't vacuumed in ages. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day! And I wonder why I get a cold with this kind of thinking!?

This week we are being told - it's OK, you are doing fine, even if it doesn't always feel like it, you are making progress towards your goals, and if you are spreading the love and light a little every day then you are doing well! *Pat on back*.

So don't beat yourself up if you didn't get that blog post done, or whatever it was you wanted to have achieved by today. The Angels don't judge us on how much we do. They don't judge us on how far we get in our careers or how much money we make. They don't care if we write one blog post or one hundred. They only care that whatever we do we do it with love.

So have a great week new-agers, spread the love and know that's enough this week!

Coming up this week I hope to have a blog post up about buying your first tarot deck as well as some more pop culture tarot so stay tuned! I'm also going to finally get around to the free readings requests in my inbox and looking forward to getting some more requests too! :-)

Love, light and Angel hugs,


The week ahead - get on the horse!

photo (31) Usually when I do the week ahead reading I make a big thing out of getting in the zone and pulling a card for us all yada yada yada... Today I was playing around with a new spread which is from the Dusty White book I'm always going on about - The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot Ever. It's called the Roundabout spread and the reading I gave myself was ultra amazing! I usually suck at giving myself readings, you know how you always see what you want to see, or try to make the cards relate to a specific outcome you want, but this one was so bang on and so hard hitting that I knew it was totally what I needed to hear right now, even though some of it was a kick up in the pants!

I'll spare you the gory details of my entire reading, but one card in particular didn't just speak to me, it screamed in my face, and I thought it was worth sharing this week for the week ahead!

The Seven of Wands; it's not really that much of an exciting card really. Usually when I see this card I relate better to the people walking than the guy on the horse. I always perceive the guy on the horse as a 'boss' type, you know, that guy who gets all the glory when really, it was the people on the ground who did all the work. I've always seen him as kind of a boastful jerk and definitely not a character I relate to at all.

As part incarnated angel I don't think I've ever really been on the horse. I follow behind, working quietly in the wings, not talking about my grand plans or ambitions. That's not to say I don't have them, I just don't dance around telling everyone who'll listen. I stay relatively humble and just get on with things while my superiors constantly reap the rewards and I go home and drink half a bottle of wine while I watch True Blood and whinge about it.

Well guys, that's all about to change! I pulled this card reversed in the 'what I need to address' position and I wrote in my journal in caps - GET ON THE F***ING HORSE FOR ONCE!

This message was so intense I felt like it was for all of us. Let yourself get on the horse for once. Stop being a follower and start putting yourself out there!

Oh and PS - don't forget to check out my free readings page!

Love light and horse riding lessons,
