kitties — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



#Caturday cat cards - King of Swords

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It's Caturday at last! I don't know about you guys but this has been a crazy week for me! I've been e x h a u s t e d! No matter how much sleep I got, or how much time I had I just seemed to be kind of done this week.

But the King of Swords is telling us that we have the power! We can do whatever we want today! If you want to just sit and finally finish that book you've been reading for weeks (Hello Clockwork Prince!), or if you want to get cracking on some of those projects you're up to, or even if you want to veg out and watch Sorority Girls on iPlayer (OMG why am I so obsessed with that show when it's SO BAD?), or even if you want to go out on a date with someone your friends are telling you is so bad for you - screw what everyone else thinks about how you spend your time - you are the King of Swords dammit! Do whatever you want! (Within reason right? Like if that guy is bad for you don't get into a silly situation!)

Remember this Caturday that the power is within you!

And make sure to check out my Free Readings page if you are looking for a reading!

Love, light and kitty power!
