The Week Ahead - 27th of October to 2nd of November
Mercury is finally going direct! Yay! Now let's see what amazingness is in store this week via the beautiful Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards that I am so in love with right now I even made a video review, but I'll post all about that later...
Healthy Choices - OK, so it's Monday and if you're anything like me that healthy eating thing has a habit of going out the window on weekends sometimes. Today we are being urged to make a healthy choice - eat your vegies, do some exercise, drink a smoothie, or at the very least don't eat that whole packet of biscuits today! Do something today your body will thank you for.
Honour Your Feelings - Whatever you are going through on Tuesday, just allow it. Ask yourself today - how am I really feeling? Maybe you have some feelings that you've been hiding from even yourself. How do you really feel about that guy/girl? How do you really feel about your job? OMG, how do you really feel about your life?! However you are feeling today is totally valid. Cry in the shower, dance around the lounge room, scream in the broom closet and don't apologise for how you feel today. Unless you hurt someone with your words or actions, because that isn't cool.
The Inner Voice - last week we had an intuitive Wednesday and it looks like we are having another one this week! What's up with Wednesdays? Another great day to stop, meditate, get quiet, journal or whatever else works for you and tune into that inner voice. And pay attention to what you hear! When we follow the loving and supportive guidance of our inner voice things can only get better.
Unconditional Love - OK, who have you been sending daggers to this week? Some guy who took up all the space on the train? What about that jerk that cut you off in traffic? How about your evil boss or someone that barged you in the supermarket? Hey, maybe you've even been sending daggers to yourself. Today is about releasing daggers. Send love to the people who piss you off (hey, I know it's hard). I sometimes just imagine sending a yellow heart to people. You don't have to like them, but asking love and light to surround people that drive you nuts is totally therapeutic and makes everyone feel better. You might even need to spend some time today asking Mother Mary to send you some unconditional love too. We could all use a bit of that!
Speak Your Truth - Today we are speaking up for someone, something or ourselves. When you see someone being mean to a shop assistant don't just stand there, tell them it's not cool. Speak up in meetings, post your truth on the internet, clear your throat chakra! This card also suggests that we donate or join a cause for those who can't speak for themselves. People who can't communicate effectively due to disabilities or other conditions, animals, nature. Cats can't talk, but we can talk for them and so we should!
Live Your Joy - I mean WOW! What an amazing card to get for a Saturday! You are free today to follow your joy, whatever that is! Do whatever makes your heart and soul sing with joy today. Go out with friends, get out in nature, read a book, bake cupcakes, spend time with family and loved ones, watch a silly movie, go shopping for candles, go to Lush and buy yourself a bath bomb (OMG so obsessed with Lush right now!), work on your novel, scrapbook something awesome. Today just DO YOU!
Leap of Faith - Last weekend we talked about the Fool card and how we needed to start making plans for the next big leap of faith - well here it is again! We've started planning it, now it's time to get the Angels involved and ask them for their input! Spend some time today dreaming, planning and asking for guidance, and if you're already ready - do it! Start that blog, start that website for your business, send that manuscript to that publisher, upload your art on Etsy, or start searching the internet for your dream job.
I'm wishing everyone an amazing week this week, and if you fancy a reading EVERYTHING IN THE ETSY STORE IS 33% OFF this week only with the code: halfterm.
Love, light and Angel Prayers!