Advice From Archangels Angel Spread x
A couple of weeks back I posted an Angel spread to help you connect with your Wingmen, and today we're taking it a little further and basically getting a whole heap of advice from a a bunch of Archangels in one go! YAY!
This spread is perfect for when you want a general WTF is going on with my life kind of thing. A great daily, weekly or whenever it feels right spread.
This is not about getting your Archangels in a row - e.g pulling the Azrael card in the Release position, although it's been known to happen! This spread is just to help you connect with any Angels and Archangels to help you see what's going on for you in the moment.
So go ahead and grab your Angel, Oracle or Tarot cards, pull out 7 cards and set them out as above!
Oh, and check out the video below for extra info!
How the Angels see you
Imagine you are zooming out of your life and looking down on yourself. Take a second here to see yourself how the Angels see you. They may want to remind you what you're doing well, give you a pat on the back, a huge hug or deliver a message about what you really need right now.
Michael - Life Purpose Stuff
Archangel Michael is great at clearing and protecting, but he's also pretty good at helping with life purpose and life path stuff. Here he's giving you a clue about what you need to know to make sure you're on the right path.
Raphael - Healing
This card represents your healing journey. What needs to be healed? What does Archangel Raphael want to heal in your life? This can be related to any kind of healing that is taking place, or needs to be.
Healing professionals - this could also relate to your work!
Ariel - Finances and Work
What does Archangel Ariel want you to know about your work and cash flow stuff? The messages here can highlight blocks but also give you some insights into ways to get your abundance is flowing. If you have pets they could show up here too.
Uriel - Action
Archangel Uriel is all about that inner spark and he's here to encourage you to take action in your life. Uriel is also the dude for calling on if you need help with ideas. What idea do you have that wants to become a reality? What do you need to stop dreaming about and start doing?
Azrael - Release
What do you need to release right now? A relationship, situation, mindset? This card is all about saying see ya later to this thing that no longer serves you to make room for other stuff that wants to come into your life.
Gabriel - Self Expression
Archangel Gabriel wants you to know how to express yourself in the most authentically way possible. This card is all about creative pursuits and speaking your truth. What's inside you that needs to come out?
I would love to know if you found this spread useful! Comment below and/or make sure to share your pics of your spreads on Instagram! Hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you!
With love, light and Angel wings!