gratitude — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Don't be afraid of the tower card! x 18 to 24 May 2015

Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers
Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers

This week we are getting our messages via the Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers - a freaking awesome 80's tarot deck that is perfect for relationship readings. I did soooo many relationship readings at Higher Selfie last weekend that I think I had this deck on the brain because it was the first one that grabbed me this week!

Start of the week - The Tower

It's pretty common to totally freak out when you see The Tower card. But you know how I see it? Sure everything is crumbling down around you - but the reason it's crumbling is because it wasn't built right. Now is the chance to let anything in your life that isn't right fall away.

Middle of the week - Knight of Swords

And now here comes the Universe with a sword for you to chop away anything that hasn't fallen yet. You have the power to get rid of anything negative or not working in your life, so take up your sword and slice that stuff up! This could also be a really good time to do some decluttering or tidying of book shelves.

End of the week - Nine of Cups

This weekend is time to chill the eff out! You've been working hard, you've been constantly 'on'. This weekend you wanna switch off - as much as you can, and then maybe a little bit more. The best way to show the Universe that you are thankful for your life is to freaking enjoy it! Go out and see friends, finish that YA novel you've been reading for months, spend time with family, and especially if you are in a relationship spend some decent quality time with your person.

It's another powerful week guys! You have the power to make this week amazing - let some of your old crap (inner or outer!) crumble away and then have yourself a damn fine weekend!

You know where you can find me if you fancy a personal reading!

<3 Love, light and Swords of Gryffindore! <3



Balancing Gratitude with Wanting More 11th to 18th May 2015

Cosmic Tarot Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot Norbert Losche

This week as I started shuffling the good old Cosmic Tarot I asked for a message for us all - something that would help us know what to doSo it was pretty interesting when I pulled a whole bunch of cards that were like - uh, this week isn't about doing stuff, it's about getting your head together - specifically finding a balance between having gratitude and wanting more...

Beginning of the week - Three of Wands

So first up they (the guidances!) were like - stop worrying about doing anything. It's time to start living in the now a little more. Appreciating all the things that we have, that we are and that we do. Not just the big things, but the little things, like making dinner for someone or having someone make dinner for us - I mean, how freaking awesome is that? Notice these things in your life this week and really focus on them. They are so damn important and sometimes we spend so much time working our butts off for a great future we don't pay enough attention to the here and now.

Middle of the week - Princess of Wands reversed

OK and then we have a warning not to become complacent. Huh? I thought you just said to live in the moment?! You need to stay focussed on the present and often stop and think how wonderful your life is, but you also need to keep moving forward or you run the danger of becoming what we like to call 'comfortable'. Being comfortable is great, and hey, maybe that's part of your journey in this life, but don't you want to do more with your time here?

End of the week - The High Preiestess

Woah, OK. So if we can balance these parts of ourselves we are in for a beautiful surprise! The High Priestess is all about balance and she is uber intuitive, crazy beautiful and if you had to pick one card from the deck to describe 'woman who most has her shit together' I'd pick the H.P every time. It's all about striking that balance between loving where you are and what you have and seeking more. The message I'm getting this week is that it's not about having more. It's about being more and doing more. It's not about having a crazy stupid big house or a million quid to spend on travelling every summer. It's about what you can be and who you can be and what you can do. Don't ever stop being and doing and growing and learning. Just stop putting the focus on the "stuff" for a while.

Have an amazing week guys. You know where you can find me if you fancy a reading, and I'm always around on social media for chats!

<3 I'm sending you all so much love, light and beautiful balancing vibes! <3



2015 New Years resolutions and GRATITUDE!

Glitter Lips from x OK, I know by now you've probably read a gazillion blog posts about New Years 2015 and if one more person tells you "OMG 2015 IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR EVEEEEEEEEER!" you might just about have enough energy to nod a bit. But this post is going to be different! I think...

First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported New Age Hipster this year. If you liked the FB page, if you commented and got involved, if you've been following me on IG, reading my weekly readings or watching my YouTube videos, or even if you've just stumbled upon this post today - THANK YOU for being part of this. I never really thought that people would actually like or resonate with what I have to say, or that anyone would even pay me to read their cards, and I have so much gratitude for every single one of you who've I've had the joy of connecting with through my intuitive readings this year. I've loved hearing your stories, shedding some light in dark places and most of all, giving you some empowering words of advice and mostly of all, telling you what you already knew deep down so that you know you're on the right path.

OMG, I swear I have spent more time prepping and planning and getting into a good headspace for this year than any other year EVER. Which is cool, and I'm actually loving getting organised and working out what I actually want from this year and feeling like amazing things can happen! But as a bit of an introvert, it's also been kind of exhausting. So tonight, while all you party girls and glam guys are out drinking and dancing, I'm going to be at home eating home cooked Sweet & Sour (the BF's mum's recipe and it's AMAZING!!), watching Frozen, having a beer and generally dorking out. 

What I guess I'm trying to say is that even though there is this amazing buzz around about how 2015 is going to be prosperous, abundant, the sparkly and glittery year you've been waiting your whole life for just take a deep breath and put it in perspective. Yes, this coming year does have a 'make all your dreams come true' vibe, but so does every year if you want it to. Collectively a lot of us are much more in a space now where we want to turn away from the old outdated 'life models' that no longer serve us individually or as a planet. We don't want to run the rat race any more, we don't want to give all our money to big corporations who don't pay their people decently. We want to actually make a difference on this planet and stepping into 2015 feels like a chance to do it! But it's not like you are going to wake up tomorrow with a six figure business, the perfect family and a house that looks like you Pinterested it.

So if you wake up on the first of January 2015 feeling hungover, or sorry for yourself, or if you spend the whole day watching bad TV or pigging out don't see it as failure. You have 364 more days to make 2015 the best year of your life. Don't freak out about the pressure of making 2015 the best year yet...

You have every day of your life to make this the best life of your existence!

OMG that's so totally deep! :-D

And if you are feeling like you need some extra guidance as we head into this spanking new year you can visit my Etsy store: and you can find out more about what to expect from one of my readings by checking out the Readings page.

I'm sending you all so much love, light and sparkly 2015 vibes!



Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche