london — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Lessons from the Louniversity


When I signed up for Louise Androlia's Energy Awareness + Surrender Session double whammy I wasn't totally sure what to expect, but I've been following her blog for a while and reading my Tarotscopes every month so I knew that whatever lessons I was going to learn would be totally on my frequency.

Louise is an energy guru and I was so excited to hear her take on how to work with energy. As an empath - you know, those of us who pick up all the energy crap floating around in the air, I have struggled with being able to block negative energy for years. I'm that kind of person that feels what other people feel... If I'm next to someone on the train who is grumpy, I get grumpy! Don't even get me started on how it affects me when someone barges past me in the street - it makes me so damn ANGRY! And I've only recently realised that it's not because it really makes me angry, it's because the person who barges you in the street is generally a very angry person, someone who is angry at life and everything that happens to them... OK, some people do it accidentally but usually they give you a look or say sorry and that's totally a different thing...

When you live your life this way things can get heavy. Constantly picking up on other people's energy is sooooo draining and when we feel drained we don't spend time with friends, we don't crack on with creative projects and we end up living our lives from home to work to home to TV to dinner to bed to work again...

So what do we do about it?! You can do all the visualisations you've read about - the bubble, the mirrors, the cloak. You can buy a bunch of protective crystals - I've been wearing a smoky quartz and that seems to help! You can focus your intention - if you begin to be aware of picking up on energy you're already going to pick up less! But if you are just starting out with this stuff, or if you need a boost to what you are already doing Louise's energy workshops sure will help!

Being surrounded by a bunch of self aware women looking to add something to their personal and spiritual development all afternoon was in itself inspiring and empowering.  Louise lead us through a bunch of energy awareness exercises and continuously dropped so many enlightening phrases and ideas at us so fast I couldn't keep up with my notes! Not only did she share her thoughts and visualisations but there was a real sense during the afternoon that we were all there together, learning from each other as much as we were learning from her. We shared our own ideas, concerns and worries about shielding ourselves and it was the perfect supportive forum to be able to ask anything!


I'm always usually the person up the back of these workshops just chilling, taking notes and keeping to myself, but when Louise asked if anyone wanted to share something they wanted to surrender I felt my hand go up before my brain even thought it was a good idea. I wasn't worried about what anyone was going to think of me and my thing I wanted to surrender because I knew in that moment in that room I was surrounded only by people who were there to support, uplift and encourage each other on our journeys.

Now not everyone can pop into East London for a weekend workshop, but Louise has a fantastic blog on which she shares so many energetic insights and you can find it here.

And I thought I'd finish up this post by sharing a couple of gems I can almost make out in my notes...

<3 your intention (to protect, clear, ground, whatever!) is powerful!

<3 eat more vegetables to feel grounded - sorry guys, sugar is not grounding! :-(

<3 always be in your bubble!

<3 when you are feeling anxious it's because you are not in the present moment - you are too much in the future or the past.

<3 rejection is redirection!

<3 and if someone has something you want (success for example!), that doesn't mean there isn't enough for you too! If they have it, you can have it!

Love, light and lessons from the Louniversity,

