One simple clearing practice that will change everything
I recently shared a reel on Instagram sharing one of the most important things I know about energy work.
And I was shook by how many people commented saying they’d never even thought about it like this before.
It’s a simple practice. One that takes just a couple of seconds to incorporate into whatever energy clearing practices you’re already doing.
But it changes everything.
And it absolutely blows my mind that more people aren’t talking about this.
Spirituality has taken an odd turn in recent years. We have moved away from the ancient teachings about love, compassion and peace and ended up in this strange place that is basically just a new age version of the prosperity gospel.
And look, I get it. Most of us get into spirituality because we are looking for something. Love, money, a deeper sense of purpose, just generally feeling better about ourselves in a world that constantly tells us we’re not good enough.
We find manifestation and Law of Attraction teachings that tell us we can have anything we want. We start learning about money and abundance spells. We even start learning how to protect and clear our energy so we can take on less of everyone else’s “stuff”.
And then we learn about boundaries, “energy vampires” (a term I really dislike) and start to distance ourselves from anyone with “bad” energy.
And this is 100% a great place to start. So many of us start here. We’re not in a good place energetically and we want to feel better about ourselves, so we put ourselves first, sometimes even for the first time ever. And self-love and self-care and self-worth are always important!
But if we’re not careful, we end up creating a very ego-centric spiritual view of the world and our place in it.
Call on Archangel Zadkiel to help you clear energy in all directions. Card from the Angels Among Us Oracle.
So then, when we do our energy clearing, we focus on clearing away what’s not ours, negative energy that others have sent to us, negative energy we’ve picked up unknowingly.
We clear our homes of negative energy previous tenants or negative people who’ve popped over have left behind. We clear away the ghosts and ghouls that have come to check out our light.
And somewhere along the way, we forget that we also create negative energy.
We can attract negative energy.
We can send negative energy to others.
And we do. We all do. All the time.
No matter how good we get at being bright lights in the world, there are always moments where we think negative thoughts, think something unkind about someone, speak unkindly about them.
But if you’re living intentionally and consciously you try to notice these moments. You notice how you create negativity within yourself, within the world. And you clear it.
And the more you become aware of these moments of when you are the negative person, the less of those moments you start to have.
When we realise that we can create and send negative energy to others and to ourselves, it’s deeply empowering. We wake up and grow up as spiritual beings.
We stop blaming everyone else for the negativity being sent to us. We stop playing victim while we’re clearing our energy and we start seeing the bigger picture. We take spiritual responsibility for our own energetic “stuff”.
This isn’t about blaming ourselves. It’s not about taking on everything as yours. That’s not where we want to go with this practice. It’s just about taking responsibility for what we’ve created as well as being mindful of what we’re picking up out in the world and what’s being sent to us.
The good news is it’s so easy to clear your energy in both ways!
Just become aware of it and accept you can create and send negative energy too
When you are clearing your energy, ask for it to be cleared both ways, in all directions. Ask that the negative energy you’ve picked up, that’s been sent to you and that you have created is cleared from you and all those it’s affected.
See all negativity being cleared from your energy fields and see all negativity you’ve sent to others being cleared from theirs.
It takes just a few minutes to do every day and you will notice a big shift. Not just in your energy, but in how you move through the world.
The days of “me me me” spirituality have to go. We are all in this together.
And it starts with us realising we are all on the journey. We are all just figuring it out. We all have moments where we have negative thoughts about ourselves and others.
We just have to remember we have the power to clear it and move forward with more love and compassion for others and ourselves.
So, what do you think about this idea? Are you going to try it? Are you already doing it? I’d love to hear from you in the comments about what energy clearing practices work for you!
With love, light and clear energy,