nick miller — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


nick miller

Nick Miller - King of Cups


Hands up who struggles sometimes with the court cards? (*Hand goes up*) I mean, what even are they? They are just, like, people sitting or standing around. There's nothing really happening and so it's kind of hard to always make sense of them, especially when you are first starting out with the Tarot. The other cards are easy - 3 of Swords - ah! My heart! 2 of Coins? Sort it out man. 10 of Cups? Wheeeeee! But these court card guys are a little harder to suss out.

I was watching the new episode of New Girl after doing some Tarot practice this week and I was like - OMG Nick Miller is the King of Cups! I totally get the King of Cups card now!

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The King of Cups has that look in his eye like he's thinking about something else, something happening in the past, or the future, where is he?! He's super emotional, artistic (Nick wrote half a book about Zombies!), loyal, friendly and creative. And also, don't forget he's a water element!


Reversed he's an emotional wreck who drinks too much, is totally unstable and doesn't fulfill his potential at all. but upright he's the hard working king of hearts, a warm, loyal guy who just wants to make Jess the happiest girl in the world! And she just loves him so much for that exact reason. She sees his full King of Cups potential even when he's grumpy and reversed. Naaaw!

So here's to Nick Miller, King of Cups sorting his shit out and staying upright!

And if you needed a little more inspiration get out your King of Cups and watch the video below, I'd love to hear what you think!

Love, light and watering cans,


*Disclaimer - I totally think that whatever definitions you have for the King of Cups are right for you,

and I'm just sharing my own personal ideas about the tarot here. :-)