tarot on etsy — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


tarot on etsy

Weekly Reading February 2nd - 8th 2015

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989
Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989

Hello Gorgeous New-Agers! Welcome to another edition of your weekly reading, and wow, what a corker we're about to have! I used the most beautiful Art Nouveau Tarot - the Matt Myers 1989 version. It's so 80's and one of my favourite decks that so doesn't get enough use! Maybe I'll use it on Tarot Tuesday!

Start of the week - Five of Wands reversed

This deck is a little different to the tradition RW/PCS decks so disregard anything you think you know about the five of wands! In this card we see a Ken doll look-a-like grabbing a hot redheaded Barbie chic. Reversed I'm getting that there is going to be a releaseof some kind for us at the start of the week. It could be that you let go of something you've been holding onto way too tightly, or something or someone lets go of you. It could be a friendship, relationship stuff, some crazy outdated thought patterns. Whatever it is, you gotta let go, and if you don't, you might find the universe steps in and takes it from you - it'll be a good thing though! Promise!

Middle of the week - Five of Pentacles reversed

OMG what the? Did I actually pull two reversed fives in a row? Yes I did. So PAY ATTENTION! This never happens. I've honestly never pulled two reversed fives in a row before. This card is also about release, but it's about releasing the attachment we have to our 2015 outcomes. Are you freaking out and pissed off at yourself that you spent all of January watching webinars about how to have a six figure business (or whatever your slice of pie in January was!) but you appear to have made no progress whatsoever? Get a grip. You still have ELEVEN months to create a freaking awesome 2015. It wasn't like you'd wake up Feb first and have all the 2015 work done. Also, it's Mercury effing Retrograde right now. It doesn't matter if you write like 100,000 words of your future best seller this month, it's still going to feel like you've done nothing. So cut yourself a break.

End of the week - Six of Cups

OMG is this guy a hottie or what? We see Ken again, this time holding out his cup, considering what it is exactly he wants his cup to contain. We're doing a lot of releasing this week, and by Friday we need to start re-filling. Don't just re-fill with the same old crap you just let go of. Seriously consider what it is you want your cup to overflow with, and then spend some time filling up. You might want to take time out to do your own card readings, journal, meditate, or maybe you need to go out and get crazy with your friends, bake cookies with your fam or just catch up on your fave shows on Netflix. Whatever it is, just remember what you fill up with is what your cup with contain!

I'm wishing you all an amazing week, and please come and tell me how it goes over on Facebook, in the comments below or on YouTube! I just got these crazy share buttons too, so if you dig this I would love it if you shared.

Oh and go and have a geezer at the old Etsy store. I've just put up some super cool Valentine's day readings! I'm doing a special #sharethelove promo thing on Etsy for V day too! Step 1. buy a reading.... Step 2. tell your friends it was ace... Step 3. your friend buys a reading... Step 4. you get a voucher for a freebie!  Yikes! #sharethelove on V day!

<3 Love, light and cups filled with golden glitter! <3



Weekly Reading - Hanson Roberts Tarot - 29th December 2014 to 4th January 2014

  Hanson Roberts Tarot

OK guys, here's the weekly reading for the week of the new year! *Clapping!* When I do these readings what I'm doing is like tapping into the energy that surrounds anyone who see this post, or the cards on Facebook or Instagram in the hopes that it will resonate with many of you and bring guidance and help uplift and empower you to make your week rock! I'm using the Hanson Roberts deck, which is the very first deck I ever bought! I love it dearly...


Monday - Six of Pentacles

I've seen this card a lot lately! Yay! Share the wealth today! OK, you might not think you have much, especially if you've over-spent at Christmas... but everyone has something to share. Maybe just share your time, knowledge or skills today. Or at least start thinking about how you are going to do this in the New Year!


Tuesday - Justice Reversed

"But it's not faaaaaaaaiiirrr!" you might find yourself screaming this today, or at least in your head. Yes, life is not fair. I don't know why bad things happen either. Some people think that everything is meant to be and try to find peace in the most horrible circumstances. Not me. I shake my head and scream at the news on TV and then I stamp my foot and send love, light and Angels to the situation. Sometimes that's all we can do, but that doesn't mean we can't at least do that.


Wednesday NEW YEARS EVE!! - Five of Swords Reversed

This is not a night for drama, manipulation, lies, deceit or any of that crap. Tonight is about being your best self. If you have any intentions other than that you might as well stay home. Tonight is for celebrating and uplifting others not dragging anyone into your drama OK? No checking out someone else's date, no complaining about the service or cost of drinks, no getting all negative because someone is wearing your outfit and you think they look better. No being mopey! Start the year as your best self!


Thursday NEW YEARS DAY!!! - Queen of Cups Reversed

This could simply be your hangover. Or this lady is appearing because you may just feel out of sorts. You've been planning, manifesting, you've been working through your Leonie Dawson 2015 Yearbook. Oh, but you thought you'd wake up on the first day of 2015 a new shiny version of yourself and you didn't. Uh, don't freak out. You have 364 days left to be shiny. Recover, relax, rejuvenate. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.


Friday - Seven of Cups

OK time to sit down and work out what the hell you are actually doing. What do you really want out of 2015? Do you want to start your own business? Do you just want a better paying job? Do you want to go back to Uni? Do you want to just work in a bar for a couple of months and then travel overseas? Do you just want to hibernate and worry about it until Summer? Forget what everyone else has on their 2015 wish list, what's really on yours?!


Saturday - Nine of Cups

Boo yah! Saturday is all about being content. This is a day to go shopping with mates in the sales, have a nice dinner out with your love, just bloody sit and read a book all day. Do whatever is going to make you feel 'content'. That's basically abundance right? I think I might go see the new Hunger Games...


Sunday - Five of Rods

Ah yes, the battle between good and evil, AKA the Sunday night blues. If you are going back to work on Monday the world may seem like it's crashing down around you tonight. There's a push/pull inside of you - the I love my life on the weekends, but I hate my job thing. Or even if you like your job it's not like getting out of bed on Monday is ever that fun. Try to remember why you need to go to work and get into some gratitude if you can. It's the start of the year and could be a perfect time to start that gratitude journal you are always going on about. What are you grateful for today?


There's still time to grab your own personal 2015 email reading from my Etsy store. A full reading comes with a 12 month spread, an Angel and Goddess to work with and a Fairy message to get you through the whole year. I'm also offering shorter readings from as little as £10!! OMG!! I've had some wonderful feedback from these and I'm loving being able to give you some insights on your year ahead; the joys and the difficulties that may come up so that you are able to navigate towards or around them!  

<3 Sending you soooo much love and light and sparkly shiny new year good vibes! <3

