Five of Wands Spread for Times of Conflict
This blog post is brought to you as part of the International Tarot Day 2017 blog hop! :D Brought to you by the gorgeous Bree at Nym's Divination.
To hop through all 78 cards check the links at the bottom of this post. x
Here on New Age Hipster we're hanging out with the Five of Wands, the good ole' conflict card.
Feeling like this? This spread is for you! :D x
I dunno how you read Tarot, but I like my readings to be empowering, and sometimes when this card comes up in a reading I feel a little dis-empowered. A card that shows you that things are totally not aligned right now. Cool guides, but I'm more interested in knowing how I can align myself and move through conflict than just seeing that it's there.
This spread can help you when you have some conflict popping up in your life, but it can also be used to help you open up your readings when the Five of Wands comes up.
If you're a newbie and you're not sure what I mean by "open up your readings" it's basically when you focus on one of the cards a spread by pulling more cards about that card. It's a great way to really dive deep into your stuff, and great for when a card kind of throws you or you just want more guidance.
You can use this spread for both conflicts in the outer world and conflicts within yourself.
So go grab yourself a deck of cards, your Tarot journal and a cuppa and let's get stuck in! :D
Here's one I made earlier with the Hanson Roberts Tarot x
I like to start this spread by placing the Five of Wands at the bottom, whether I'm opening up from the card or not, just as a bit of a signifier but you can do whatever floats your boat.
Card one: what is the foundation of this conflict?
This card will give you an idea of where the conflict came from and what the roots of this conflict really are. Oftentimes what you're fighting about is really not "the thing" right?
Card two: what part have you played in this conflict?
Oh, we all like to think we are blameless in these situations, but even if we're mostly blameless there are always things we perhaps could've done differently. Taking some responsibility for your part is powerful and will help you move through conflict with grace.
Card three: what is the lesson to be learned?
Conflict can be one of our greatest teachers. When we allow ourselves to learn through challenges we can actually move through them much quicker!
Card four: how can this conflict be resolved?
What do you need to do to resolve this conflict? Maybe you need to take some action to smooth things over, maybe the action you need to take is walk away. This card will let you know!
Card five: how can you avoid this kind of conflict in the future?
This card will give you some advice on how you can avoid seeing the Five of Wands again for a while! :D
You can find a list of all my other spreads over here and if you'd like to hook up a session with me you can hit the shop here.
Check the links for the previous + next blog in the hop!
Happy International Tarot Day! :D
With love, light and conflict resolution,