tarot cards — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


tarot cards

Five of Wands Spread for Times of Conflict

times of conflict tarot spread by New Age Hipster

This blog post is brought to you as part of the International Tarot Day 2017 blog hop! :D Brought to you by the gorgeous Bree at Nym's Divination.

To hop through all 78 cards check the links at the bottom of this post. x

Here on New Age Hipster we're hanging out with the Five of Wands, the good ole' conflict card.

Feeling like this? This spread is for you! :D x

Feeling like this? This spread is for you! :D x

I dunno how you read Tarot, but I like my readings to be empowering, and sometimes when this card comes up in a reading I feel a little dis-empowered. A card that shows you that things are totally not aligned right now. Cool guides, but I'm more interested in knowing how I can align myself and move through conflict than just seeing that it's there

This spread can help you when you have some conflict popping up in your life, but it can also be used to help you open up your readings when the Five of Wands comes up.

If you're a newbie and you're not sure what I mean by "open up your readings" it's basically when you focus on one of the cards a spread by pulling more cards about that card. It's a great way to really dive deep into your stuff, and great for when a card kind of throws you or you just want more guidance.

You can use this spread for both conflicts in the outer world and conflicts within yourself.

So go grab yourself a deck of cards, your Tarot journal and a cuppa and let's get stuck in! :D

Here's one I made earlier with the Hanson Roberts Tarot x

Here's one I made earlier with the Hanson Roberts Tarot x


I like to start this spread by placing the Five of Wands at the bottom, whether I'm opening up from the card or not, just as a bit of a signifier but you can do whatever floats your boat.


Card one: what is the foundation of this conflict?

This card will give you an idea of where the conflict came from and what the roots of this conflict really are. Oftentimes what you're fighting about is really not "the thing" right?


Card two: what part have you played in this conflict?

Oh, we all like to think we are blameless in these situations, but even if we're mostly blameless there are always things we perhaps could've done differently. Taking some responsibility for your part is powerful and will help you move through conflict with grace.


Card three: what is the lesson to be learned?

Conflict can be one of our greatest teachers. When we allow ourselves to learn through challenges we can actually move through them much quicker!


Card four: how can this conflict be resolved?

What do you need to do to resolve this conflict? Maybe you need to take some action to smooth things over, maybe the action you need to take is walk away. This card will let you know!


Card five: how can you avoid this kind of conflict in the future?

This card will give you some advice on how you can avoid seeing the Five of Wands again for a while! :D


You can find a list of all my other spreads over here and if you'd like to hook up a session with me you can hit the shop here.


Check the links for the previous + next blog in the hop!


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Happy International Tarot Day! :D

With love, light and conflict resolution,



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Weekly Reading February 2nd - 8th 2015

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989
Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989

Hello Gorgeous New-Agers! Welcome to another edition of your weekly reading, and wow, what a corker we're about to have! I used the most beautiful Art Nouveau Tarot - the Matt Myers 1989 version. It's so 80's and one of my favourite decks that so doesn't get enough use! Maybe I'll use it on Tarot Tuesday!

Start of the week - Five of Wands reversed

This deck is a little different to the tradition RW/PCS decks so disregard anything you think you know about the five of wands! In this card we see a Ken doll look-a-like grabbing a hot redheaded Barbie chic. Reversed I'm getting that there is going to be a releaseof some kind for us at the start of the week. It could be that you let go of something you've been holding onto way too tightly, or something or someone lets go of you. It could be a friendship, relationship stuff, some crazy outdated thought patterns. Whatever it is, you gotta let go, and if you don't, you might find the universe steps in and takes it from you - it'll be a good thing though! Promise!

Middle of the week - Five of Pentacles reversed

OMG what the? Did I actually pull two reversed fives in a row? Yes I did. So PAY ATTENTION! This never happens. I've honestly never pulled two reversed fives in a row before. This card is also about release, but it's about releasing the attachment we have to our 2015 outcomes. Are you freaking out and pissed off at yourself that you spent all of January watching webinars about how to have a six figure business (or whatever your slice of pie in January was!) but you appear to have made no progress whatsoever? Get a grip. You still have ELEVEN months to create a freaking awesome 2015. It wasn't like you'd wake up Feb first and have all the 2015 work done. Also, it's Mercury effing Retrograde right now. It doesn't matter if you write like 100,000 words of your future best seller this month, it's still going to feel like you've done nothing. So cut yourself a break.

End of the week - Six of Cups

OMG is this guy a hottie or what? We see Ken again, this time holding out his cup, considering what it is exactly he wants his cup to contain. We're doing a lot of releasing this week, and by Friday we need to start re-filling. Don't just re-fill with the same old crap you just let go of. Seriously consider what it is you want your cup to overflow with, and then spend some time filling up. You might want to take time out to do your own card readings, journal, meditate, or maybe you need to go out and get crazy with your friends, bake cookies with your fam or just catch up on your fave shows on Netflix. Whatever it is, just remember what you fill up with is what your cup with contain!

I'm wishing you all an amazing week, and please come and tell me how it goes over on Facebook, in the comments below or on YouTube! I just got these crazy share buttons too, so if you dig this I would love it if you shared.

Oh and go and have a geezer at the old Etsy store. I've just put up some super cool Valentine's day readings! I'm doing a special #sharethelove promo thing on Etsy for V day too! Step 1. buy a reading.... Step 2. tell your friends it was ace... Step 3. your friend buys a reading... Step 4. you get a voucher for a freebie!  Yikes! #sharethelove on V day!

<3 Love, light and cups filled with golden glitter! <3



It's 2015! #YAY! ...now what?!

Image from www.blisstree.com

Image from www.blisstree.com

2015 is here!!! We've been waiting for it for MONTHS, and you know what? I do feel different! Don't you?! I feel the buzz! I feel the vibes! I feel the abundant '8' year energy and ready to say to hell with the dress rehearsal let's dance the shit out of this year! 

That feeling is great, but that feeling alone doesn't get you very far alone. You have to work, think, plan and take action to make this the best year EVER! You can't be sitting around in a relationship that's no good for you. You can't hang on to a job that is sucking you dry emotionally and energetically. You can't just carry on like you always do and expect things to change.

So here's where I can help. I'm offering a bunch of uplifting and empowering 2015 email readings. I'll look at the energy of your year, things to get excited about and plan for, things to be aware of and practical tips on what to actually do with this energy to help you make this year AMAZING! For a full reading (which goes for £40) I'll also see which Angel and Goddess want to work with you and give you a message from the Fairies! For £20 you get a shorter version of a full reading and for ONLY £10 you get a minimum three card reading looking at the major themes, challenges and messages you need in your life right now + an Angel to work with (or Goddess or Fairy if you so wish!).

I'm always totally open to communicating with you about your reading and love to email about it all to make sure you get the most out of the experience. If you have any questions about this reading, or anything I do, or anything at all I'd love to hear from you. I'm vix@newagehipster.co x You can also come chat to me on Facebook.

You can find out more by watching the video below, checking out the Readings page or heading over to the Etsy store.

<3 Sending you so much love, light and abundant 2015 vibes!! <3



The Week Ahead - 10th to 16th November

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989 As I was shuffling this week and asking for some messages, I felt like the big thing we needed this week was something empowering. And from looking at the cards we drew from the most amazing Art Nouveau Tarot (one of the coolest 80's decks!!) we are going to need some serious empowering. When I ask for the cards I always ask for a message for anyone who sees it, so if you are here, and you feel like you need some empowering this is so totally for you.

Monday - 5 of Cups

OK I'm sensing this is going to be 'one of those Mondays'. Find a way to get through your Mondays. What's going to cheer you up today? Wear blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on Mondays (boys or girls who don't do make-up you can wear a pink jumper and some blue shoes). Other commuters need cheering up too.

Tuesday - 4 of Pentacles

What are you holding onto right now that you don't need? Old clothes in your closet? Receipts in your purse? Empty water bottles in your car? A crush on a totally unattainable someone?! Put it in a black bag and get rid of it.

Wednesday - 10 of Swords

OK, you didn't hear me. I said - GET RID OF IT! Today is a perfect day for letting something go. Take out the recycling and let go of the fear of being alone. Whatever it is know that it no longer serves you.

Thursday - the Magician reversed

Guys, remember what you put out into the Universe comes back to you. You aren't going to manifest the dream job if you think you don't deserve it or aren't good enough. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH to do really cool stuff. Stop thinking you can't do anything.

Friday - the World reversed

It's a good day to retreat from the world a little. Some days you just need to go to bed and read a book instead of saving the world, this might be one of them.

Saturday - Strength reversed

OK, that's enough. Anyone who's still in this slump from Thursday needs to cheer the hell up. You are strong. You are magic. You can do loads of stuff. If you aren't in a slump - awesome, go do some yoga or get some exercise and build your physical strength!

Sunday - The Empress

OK on Sunday anyone who has been feeling a little down or suffering in self esteem this week is going to emerge from their caterpillar cocoons as beautiful butterflies today! Our self esteem stuff seems to be back on track and we're loving ourselves a whole lot more today! Remember this feeling. This is who you really are.


Sending you all so much love and light this week! Find me on Facebook, I'd love to hear about how your week goes, and I'll be posting some self esteem tips too!




The Week Ahead - 20th to 26th October

Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

I've been thinking about giving the weekly forecasts some new life for a while. People seem to be resonating with my one card readings but from looking at other awesome Tarot blogs everyone seems to be doing three card readings. So I was like - hey God, Guides and Angels, what should I do for my weekly reading? Should I pull three cards? Should I copy Doreen Virtue's weekly readings style? Or do something more like what Kyle Gray is doing on his YouTube channel? What should I do?! And I heard this voice in my head say SEVEN. I was like - "OMG are you kidding me? SEVEN cards?" and then I heard nothing so I thought OK, fine, you win. I'll do SEVEN!

So here it is, the first seven day seven card reading from New Age Hipster! Yikes!

Monday - Queen of Wands

OK, this is a positive start to the week. This Queen reminds me of some kind of Fairy Queen. She's very sweet and loving and kind to animals, but if you piss her off - WOAH watch out! She's reminding you today to channel your inner Fairy Queen. Don't take crap from anyone today. Stand in your power and know that you are good enough to follow your dreams OK?!

Tuesday - Five of Cups reversed

Something might not go to plan today. You might mess something up, miss the bus, spill your morning coffee or after work drink on that hottie patottie from finance, or you might just be generally feeling drained.  What can you do about it? Drink more water. Eat well, look after you today. Really put in some self care stuff. Don't beat yourself up because you're not perfect. No one is, not even Beyonce.

Wednesday - The High Priestess

Yay! Today we are getting intuitive hits like BOOYAH! It's a great day to spend some time doing whatever Spirit-Junkie, New Age Hipster, Spiritual thing you like doing that works for you. Pull some cards, do some journalling, talk to your Angels in the shower. You are extra intuitive today so use that to your advantage to get some answers you've been seeking.

Thursday - King of Cups reversed

This is a guy who's been driving you a little nuts. There's some jerk energy around you today - someone at work, someone looking for a rise out of you on social media or some guy in a big car cutting you off in traffic because you're nothing but a girl who can't drive. Today be extra grounded and protected. Imagine yourself in a bubble of light today (and everyday!) and ask Archangel Michael if you can borrow his shield, he'll totally let you. You might want to stack yourself up with some protective crystals too. On these days I put an Obsidian in my bra. Dudes you probably have pockets.

Friday - Ace of Cups reversed

By Friday you might feel a little emotionally wrecked, exhausted or just a little out of sorts - but cheer up poppet! It's FRIDAY! Whoop!Chill out tonight - watch a rom com with your better half, or alone, or with a cat. Eat popcorn, drink wine, meet up with that guy from finance for drinks if you feel up to it, or just hang out with some best buds. It's not the best night to be going on the pull. Seriously, you'll never meet anyone worthy of you doing that anyway. Have some you-time to recharge those batteries!

Saturday - The Fool reversed

Seriously, what's with all these reversed cards?! OMG. OK today you aren't taking any huge leaps of faith, but maybe it's time to start planning a leap of faith. What are those projects you've been putting off? Are you halfway through an online course that you just haven't been participating in (hello this is so me, I have like 5 courses I'm currently doing, don't do that - don't enroll in so many things!), do you want to start your own blog, or business, or find a new job or career path? What's the big jump you want to take? Spend some time today thinking about that and making plans, even if it's just in your head while you browse Pinterest. Better yet, make a Pinterest board about your dreams, business, whatever!

Sunday - The Hierophant

How appropriate for a Sunday! This is the card of traditional lifestyles and expectations, and that's so Sunday. Spend time with your fam, do some housework, get the laundry done, go out for a civilized lunch or just chill on the couch. It's a happy homes Sunday and a roast with the loved ones would probably be perfect today. Enjoy the simple things in life today - write a gratitude list and wear warm fuzzy slippers.

I'd love to know how your week goes and if this reading resonates with you wonderful peeps of the internet! You can find me all over the place but I'm most chatty on Instagram and Facebook. Also, if you fancy a reading that's just for you check out my Etsy store - I'm currently offering some charity readings where all the money goes to Cat charities. :-)

Sending so much love, light and a joy filled week,



The Week Ahead - Perspective and Dreams

awakening archangel gabirel angel tarot  

Welcome to another weekly New Age Hipster card reading! Yay! I didn't do one on the blog last week because basically I've been thinking a lot about this blog and what I'm doing here and where I'm heading and I thought I'd take some time out and think about it. But the guidance I've been getting lately is to stop worrying about what I'm doing and just do something, so here's this week's reading...

I grabbed my Angel Tarot deck which I got for free when I attended Doreen Virtue's Certified Angel Reader Class a couple months ago and asked for a message for anyone who sees this on my blog, Facebook, Instagram - whatever! -  and I pulled the Awakening card - 12. In the traditional tarot this is the Hanged Man, but I love the angelic take on it. The Hanged Man doesn't have to be about being 'stuck' in your situation or being tied to something you don't want to do, and the awakening card reminds us that it's OK to have a temporary standstill. It's Mercury Retrograde right now, I don't know about you but I've had my car break down, problems with a bunch of electronics, contracts and two online shopping dramas; I swear I put in the right post code! During this time we are supposed to slow down and really look at our lives.

This week we are being called to look at things from a different perspective. Are you really stuck doing what you're doing? Or do you just need to change your attitude? Is the commute really that bad or do you just need to find some new music or podcasts? Is your relationship really like a pair of old slippers or can you spice things up a bit?

Take time this week to think about your dreams, goals and ambitions. What are you working towards, and when was the last time you stopped to re-evaluate if it's really where you want to go? It's OK to change your dream if it's no longer in alignment with what you want. I grew up in Australia and my dream for a long time was to be on Neighbours. Mostly so I could start my pop star career, but hey ho! And I didn't fail, I just changed my dream. That dream served a purpose for a long time. It was the dream that made me apply for Theatre school and then spend 4 years studying, that dream then led me onto other study and to the job I'm now in and now that job has led me to wanting more and right now I'm looking at my life from a new perspective!

Take stock this week, write a list or journal about your dreams and hopes for the future. Don't just write what you think you should write, or what you've been telling everyone your dream is for the past few years... what's your dream today? What is your soul crying out for? Start working towards that, and you know what? If your soul cries out for something else further down the track that's OK too.

Don't forget to ask Archangel Gabriel for help and guidance this week too!

Thank you Archangel Gabriel for helping us to see our true soul dreams and desires and for showing us the way to work towards them!

Sending so much love, light and clarity for your dreams to you!



Eric Northman - King of Swords

phonto (9)

If Nick Miller is the King of Cups and Matthew McConaughey is the Page of Swords, Eric Northman is SO King of Swords.


The King of Swords has that sharp edge and silver tongue (see what I did there?!) that the other Kings don't. The King of Cups is like a free jelly beans for all kind of dude, the King of Pentacles is all about doing it for the moola and the King of Wands is a guy who will up and beat you with a stick but maybe not at Scrabble.

But do you really want to play Scrabble with Eric Northman?!

Hello no, he's like a thousand years old and speaks like every European language, he's going to be pretty good at Scrabble. Also, he's probably going to slice you if you you use his triple word score square.

He's the Sheriff of Area 5, owner of Fangtasia (OK, maybe not so much in the current episodes), he oozes authority over everyone in town and beyond and is basically what is known as The Man. He's sharp, quick (physically and mentally!) although emotions aren't really so much his thing. Why couldn't he just love Sookie?! Eric is the ultimate alpha male, but not in that - 'oh gross that guy thinks he is sooooo all that' kind of way. This guy so alpha male you won't even realise until after six weeks of stalking and crying over him your friends surprise you with another one of those intervention parties.

Traditionally the King of Swords is aggressive, ambitious, distrusting, and even a little conservative. You may think Eric Northman is so not conservative, but it's not like he wears colours.

This is the guy that rips off a werewolf's head and then gives you a sparkly grin that makes you weak at the knees when usually you can't even stomach looking at a rare steak. He's scary, powerful, exciting and you could learn a hell of a lot from him. A little King of Swords confidence and energy can go a long way!

I pulled this card from the Tarot of White Cats deck this #Caturday as a reminder that you have the power. When you see this card in a spread and it doesn't relate to a hot date with a Alexander Skarsgaard look-a-like, remember to channel your inner Eric Northman!

Oh and PS - don't forget to contact me here if you'd like a limited time only free reading!

Love, light and sexy vampires,

