#Caturday cat card - Queen of Cups
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvYIBPAFJ1E[/embed] Hi guys and welcome to #Caturday!
OK I did my video of only my hands because I couldn't be bothered to put on make up, but it's kind of sketchy. I mean why doesn't it focus on the card? And what's that shadow on the side? Yep, I still have a LOT to learn about YouTube.
But it's not about my dodgy video skills, it's about the message right?!
Today we are being reminded not to get too obsessed about our goals in life, whether it's work, love, money, whatever. It's good to have goals and to always be working towards stuff, but when we get too focused on the goal we miss out on enjoying the journey.
Think about what your ultimate work goal is right now. I have two huge ones right now - to be the next Stephanie Meyer or Doreen Virtue. OK so that's kind of crazy, and probably I don't really want to be that 'famous' because I'm actually pretty shy and stuff, but that's the ultimate goal - career and financial success through writing, helping others and creating some really cool stuff. So I can spend hours a day working on that (and I do!) but seriously I can give up all my weekends to work towards this goal (hang on I do that too!) and maybe I will get there! Yay! But once I get there, then what? Well by then I'll already be working towards the next thing right?!
By the time you achieve the goal you're thinking about today you'll already have like ten more goals you are working towards, so just stop for a second.
And remember to enjoy the journey. Because when you think about it, the journey is really all we'll ever have, everything else is just fleeting.
Sending you loads of love, light and trail mix for your journey,