five of cups — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


five of cups

Weekly Tarot Reading - Hanson Roberts - 8th to 14th December

Hanson Roberts Tarot I thought after last week's reading of ALL reversed cards and a lot of feedback from people saying it had been a heavy week that we would be moving onto something lighter and peppier this week. But no. That's not what's happening with the tarot reading for this week. As always I asked this week for messages that will be helpful for anyone who finds this reading on Facebook, Instagram or here on the blog. This week I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot which was my very first Tarot deck! I loved this for my first deck and still love it a lot. It's so 80's and the fairy tale vibe is super cute.

Monday - The Moon Reversed

OK we just had the full moon on Saturday night. Did you go out into your backyard, or open your window and shout out to the moon what you want to let go of?! It's not too late. Tell the moon today what it is you no longer want in your life, and then play your part in letting it go. Delete the ex boyfriend's numbers off your phone, unfriend whoever you need to unfriend on Facebook and don't feel bad about it. Make space for new amazing people and things to enter your life.

Tuesday - Ten of Swords Reversed

What's blocking you from releasing what you need to release? What is stopping you from making that next step forward on your path? What is in your way? Take time today to examine it. Meditate or journal or just ask yourself - 'what is blocking me right now?' Don't freak out about it, just be aware. It's only when we become aware of our blocks that we can really start busting through them.

Wednesday - Five of Cups Reversed

I think maybe we are finally going to start feeling better today. We are getting into a new perspective about stuff, and if we're not, we totally should. Don't keep your outdated ideas and beliefs about certain situations and people. Start to see things as they really are and this should give you some kind of a sense of relief about at least one thing that's going on - finally!

Thursday - Five of Swords Reversed

Today everything is going to be kind of transparent. People are seeing you for who you really are, and you are seeing others for who they are. Who are you really? Who do you want to be? What's causing you to make your decisions? Love or fear? Wow, that's so cliché. But seriously, are you doing stuff to please others, to look cool, to make someone else think you are something you are not? Forget that crap. Show your true self today and do everything you do with a loving heart.

Friday - Justice Reversed

You might feel like others are judging you today, or you might be judging others. Watch your thoughts about other people. Just because you wouldn't wear those leggings doesn't mean it's OK for you to think that anyone who does wear those leggings is ridiculous. But also, don't judge yourself too harshly when you judge others (Ha!). Notice the thought, cancel clear delete it and try to have a different thought next time.

Saturday - Page of Rods Reversed

There's a message that the Universe wants you to hear and you just aren't getting it. Open your eyes and see the signs today. If you have a nagging feeling about something pay attention to it. Stand in the shower and be open to ideas and thoughts that may lead you in a new direction. If all your friends tell you that new guy/gal is a jerk - they might be right. If everyone is telling you to apply for that job, maybe you should. Or maybe the Universe just wants to say Hi, so say Hi back! 

Sunday - Knight of Cups

Oh thank GOD! Finally an upright card! (I swear I do shuffle these cards properly!) But good news on Sunday! A literal Knight in Shining armour might come into your life, it could be an awesome new guy, a new Archangel to work with, a new spirit guide, a new connection with someone cool here or on the other side, an old flame, a new pet, OR and most awesomely, you might step up today and finally realise that you are the Knight you've been waiting for. 

So that's it guys, another crazy week. Just be excellent to each other and be excellent to yourselves. By Sunday it really feels like we are going to all be in a much better place and I can't freaking wait! I hope you all have an amazing week!

<3 Love, light and crazy cat leggings, <3




The Week Ahead - 10th to 16th November

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989 As I was shuffling this week and asking for some messages, I felt like the big thing we needed this week was something empowering. And from looking at the cards we drew from the most amazing Art Nouveau Tarot (one of the coolest 80's decks!!) we are going to need some serious empowering. When I ask for the cards I always ask for a message for anyone who sees it, so if you are here, and you feel like you need some empowering this is so totally for you.

Monday - 5 of Cups

OK I'm sensing this is going to be 'one of those Mondays'. Find a way to get through your Mondays. What's going to cheer you up today? Wear blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on Mondays (boys or girls who don't do make-up you can wear a pink jumper and some blue shoes). Other commuters need cheering up too.

Tuesday - 4 of Pentacles

What are you holding onto right now that you don't need? Old clothes in your closet? Receipts in your purse? Empty water bottles in your car? A crush on a totally unattainable someone?! Put it in a black bag and get rid of it.

Wednesday - 10 of Swords

OK, you didn't hear me. I said - GET RID OF IT! Today is a perfect day for letting something go. Take out the recycling and let go of the fear of being alone. Whatever it is know that it no longer serves you.

Thursday - the Magician reversed

Guys, remember what you put out into the Universe comes back to you. You aren't going to manifest the dream job if you think you don't deserve it or aren't good enough. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH to do really cool stuff. Stop thinking you can't do anything.

Friday - the World reversed

It's a good day to retreat from the world a little. Some days you just need to go to bed and read a book instead of saving the world, this might be one of them.

Saturday - Strength reversed

OK, that's enough. Anyone who's still in this slump from Thursday needs to cheer the hell up. You are strong. You are magic. You can do loads of stuff. If you aren't in a slump - awesome, go do some yoga or get some exercise and build your physical strength!

Sunday - The Empress

OK on Sunday anyone who has been feeling a little down or suffering in self esteem this week is going to emerge from their caterpillar cocoons as beautiful butterflies today! Our self esteem stuff seems to be back on track and we're loving ourselves a whole lot more today! Remember this feeling. This is who you really are.


Sending you all so much love and light this week! Find me on Facebook, I'd love to hear about how your week goes, and I'll be posting some self esteem tips too!


