true blood — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


true blood

Eric Northman - King of Swords

phonto (9)

If Nick Miller is the King of Cups and Matthew McConaughey is the Page of Swords, Eric Northman is SO King of Swords.


The King of Swords has that sharp edge and silver tongue (see what I did there?!) that the other Kings don't. The King of Cups is like a free jelly beans for all kind of dude, the King of Pentacles is all about doing it for the moola and the King of Wands is a guy who will up and beat you with a stick but maybe not at Scrabble.

But do you really want to play Scrabble with Eric Northman?!

Hello no, he's like a thousand years old and speaks like every European language, he's going to be pretty good at Scrabble. Also, he's probably going to slice you if you you use his triple word score square.

He's the Sheriff of Area 5, owner of Fangtasia (OK, maybe not so much in the current episodes), he oozes authority over everyone in town and beyond and is basically what is known as The Man. He's sharp, quick (physically and mentally!) although emotions aren't really so much his thing. Why couldn't he just love Sookie?! Eric is the ultimate alpha male, but not in that - 'oh gross that guy thinks he is sooooo all that' kind of way. This guy so alpha male you won't even realise until after six weeks of stalking and crying over him your friends surprise you with another one of those intervention parties.

Traditionally the King of Swords is aggressive, ambitious, distrusting, and even a little conservative. You may think Eric Northman is so not conservative, but it's not like he wears colours.

This is the guy that rips off a werewolf's head and then gives you a sparkly grin that makes you weak at the knees when usually you can't even stomach looking at a rare steak. He's scary, powerful, exciting and you could learn a hell of a lot from him. A little King of Swords confidence and energy can go a long way!

I pulled this card from the Tarot of White Cats deck this #Caturday as a reminder that you have the power. When you see this card in a spread and it doesn't relate to a hot date with a Alexander Skarsgaard look-a-like, remember to channel your inner Eric Northman!

Oh and PS - don't forget to contact me here if you'd like a limited time only free reading!

Love, light and sexy vampires,
