The LightWork Spread for Tarot or Oracle x
Being a lightworker is not always easy. There's a reason they call it lightwork right? This shiz is hard going sometimes!
We're always looking for ways we can be better humans, up-level our spiritual connections, and most of all, we're always trying to work out how to best help others and this planet.
This spread is designed to help you tap into what's going on for you with your lightworker journey.
As with all my spreads, you can use any cards you have with this spread - Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Unicorn, Uno, whatever you have is perfect. x
I did a reading for y'all with the Starchild Akashic Tarot - check out the video below! x
Card one: Your light heart
This card will help you suss out what's most on your heart at this time. What is beneath all the layers of "outside" stuff? What is really going on in there?
Card two: what fears need to be released?
Ah yay, here you will find some fears that are ready to be released.
When you do lightwork light is gonna be shone on everything! But the good news is this is something you absolutely can release if you want to.
Card three: what is blocking your light?
What's getting in the way of you being super shiny and bright and doing the best lightwork you possibly can?
How to serve yourself
As "lightworkers" or spiritual peeps who resonate with other labels (or no labels! Rarrr!) we often find ourselves wanting to save everyone, save the world and we don't spend a lot of time focusing on how to serve ourselves. We know that's not sustainable, but we often feel guilty putting ourselves first, but it's soooo important!
This card will let you know how to best serve and look after yourself.
How to serve the world
OK, now you're looking after yourself better you can start to help the world. This card will give you some insight into how you can best do that.
Message from the light
Just a general message for you from the light, your guides, angels, ascended masters, cool ET guides, the light inside yourself, whoever/whatever you resonate with as "the light".
The Keepers of the Light Oracle are perfect for this spread! x
I'd love to see how your readings go, be sure to tag me in your pics on Instagram so I can find you and use the hashtag #newagehipster too!
With so much love, light and hardcore lightwork,