archangel orion — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


archangel orion

Archangel Orion

The Archangel Orion card from Kyle Gray's Angel Prayers Oracle deck "Archangel Who?" I hear you ask. Archangel Orion is relatively new on the scene, he's pretty much the hipster angel. You know, the angel you were working with before he was mainstream? By starting to work with him today you'll have the chance in your next life to roll your eyes at everyone when they tell you about the "new" Archangel Orion. You can be like - "Oh please, seriously, I was working with him in my last life you guys..."

Anyway, this isn't a post about future lives, we're here today to talk about Archangel Orion. Just hold up a sec while we remember what angels actually are. Angels are light beings, right? I mean, let's face it, we don't totally know what they are, we just know that they are energy, really high vibe good helpful energy that you can call on to help you. When peeps saw angels way back in the olden days they mistook their light for wings. I'm not even joking, angels don't really have wings - OMG freak out! But then angels were like - OK, you think we have wings, we'll appear to you with wings so you know who we are!

I don't think about Archangel Orion as having wings, and if you do that's totally cool, like I said, they'll show themselves to you in any way that you'll understand them. But when I think of him I just see the stars, I see the entire Universe and I feel this Galactic kind of energy. If you are a star person or into star people stuff you might find that you gravitate (ha, see what I did there?!) towards this angel even more.

*Jaw drops!*

Orion hasn't been working with our planet long enough (that we know of!) to have conformed with our current idea of 'angels'. He's new here, and he brings with him the big picture. He resides high above this Renaissance angel stuff and takes us to whole other planets! In fact, since I've been working with him I've had this amazing dream about being on another planet. It kind of looked like Russia but the colours were just incredible and there was a huge moon on the horizon, and another one higher in the sky... This angel won't just show you how to get your tax return done, he'll show you the whole fucking universe.

Sorry about the language mum, I know you read this.

Archangel Orion is the angel of manifestation. He will help you manifest great things for your life, but not boring earthly stuff like a new TV or extra cash. I asked him this morning to help me manifest new tarot clients. He responded with - Why? Why do I want new clients? Uh, because I like reading tarot and I like paying the bills? I was then guided to answer this question:

What do you really want to do while you are here on this planet?

Uh, OK this was all happening as I was driving in rush hour so I was kind of like - Hrm. I got to thinking about the big stuff. The big WHY?The big WHAT?

It wasn't about getting new clients at all. It was about what I want to do on this planet while I'm here. Well, I want to help people, I want to be happy and make other people happy. I want to have enough money and time to travel and see the world. He then took me through loads of other questions, prompting me with - what do you want in relationships? What do you want for your family life? I have to tell you by the end of it I was feeling a serious amount of awe, for like, everything.

Archangel Orion will pick you up out of your body for a moment (is this a good idea in traffic AA Ori?) and show you the big picture. He will help you get clear on what you want, why you want what you think you want and help you manifest from a distance of clarity. He won't get you that holiday in the Bahamas because maybe he knows that you'll come back to your 9 to 5 and nothing will have changed. He doesn't want to help you to do that. He wants to help you to do the big stuff, and you can't do the big stuff while you're thinking about the small stuff.


So how can we connect with the big O?!

<3 Ask him to work with you. Ask him to help you manifest your desires (not manifest your desires for you!)

<3 Let him take you out of yourself and ask you the big questions

<3 Answer the big WHY and the big WHAT without focus on the little details. Don't tell him what job you think you want, just tell him how you want to help the world, and how you want to feel about it

<3 Light dark blue candles

<3 Play with crystals like dark blue sandstone or Peacock Ore or any other crystals you see that remind you of him, of the enormity of the universe

<3 Paint your fingernails dark blue with gold glitter

<3 Look at the stars and stand in awe

<3 Ask for him to take you to beautiful places and other planets in your dreams

<3 Consider your life in the grand scheme of things and ask yourself - does it really matter that I didn't finish that blog post tonight?

<3 Work with Kyle Gray's Oracle Deck that features Archangel Orion (and so many other great cards!) and meditate on his card, or just leave it out by your bedside as you sleep to bring his energy into your life

<3 Do anything else that makes you feel connected to the big picture, the Universe and your heart's true desires.


Please share your Archangel Orion experiences here in the comments or over on Facebook. He's such a new angel here and we will all benefit from sharing our knowledge and understanding of him so that many more of us can begin to live bigger and more meaningful lives! I know I'm just starting to work with him so I will be sharing any new info I get too!


<3 Love, light and starry skies <3




Angel Prayers Oracle Deck Review

Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

OK so these just may be my favourite Angel cards of all time people! Yes, I said it. I love Doreen Virtue and all her card decks. I love them so much sometimes I just sit and look at all of them on Wordery or Google images, pining over the ones I don't have already. But I digress - today we are talking about Kyle Gray - Prince of Earth Angels and his brand new deck of 44 cards the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards published by Hay House.


These come in a nice sturdy hard box just like the Hay House Doreen decks. I love this box because it keeps your cards safe and I'm not into the whole silk scarf/keep your cards somewhere sacred thing, although a lot of you probably are and that's fine too! I just throw these around like everywhere I go. In my handbag, on the floor next to my bed, falling out of my suitcase in the car boot, no worries, this tough box will keep them safe! In the box you'll find your 44 cards plus a nice quality little guide book which features more info on each card as well as some spreads and ideas on how to clear and use your deck.


Shuffling these cards is kind of hard if you have small hands, but it bigger cards make for bigger pictures! Watch the video below for some different ways to shuffle these cards. I find shuffling them pretty easy - after gently peeling some of them apart when you first get them they are totally smooth shuffling.


WOW, all I can say is wow I love the artwork on these cards. It's fresh, modern and totally resonates with me as some kind of new age hipster type person. As much as I love the 'traditional' angel cards, seeing your angels looking hot and with purple or turquoise hair and looking like they just came out of some bar in East London certainly appeals to me! The images are bold and beautiful but at the same time simplistic enough to get the messages across quickly and easily. Each card also features an Angel Prayer and I love these. It gives you a focus, especially on those days when you are like - OK, trust my vibes, but how?! Just say the prayer on the card! Sometimes I like to say it 3 times. ;-)

Trust your vibes The inner voice Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Trust your vibes The inner voice Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards


These cards areso easy to use. Even if you've never had a deck of angel or tarot cards before, you can pick this pack up and start reading for yourself pretty easily. I would totally recommend the Angel Prayers Oracle as a first angel oracle card deck. Having said that I have like a gazillion other decks and I still love this one! Here's some ideas of how you can use this deck -

<3 pull a card in the morning before school/work/whatever - I say something like 'Angels do you have any messages for me today? Thank you!'

<3 pull a card at night before bed by asking the angels for any messages

<3 asking a question and pulling one card - e.g. what do I need to know about (insert issue here!)?

<3 find out about your life purpose

<3 three card reading - past, present, potential future or just three cards to answer a question about an issue you are having

<3 the awesome 9 card spread in the guide book!

<3 meditate on a card of your own choice, or one you pull at random

<3 when you find a card you totally resonate with for whatever reason stand it up on your bedside table to keep that energy around you while you sleep

<3 manifest! Find a card that resonates with what you want to manifest (hello Archangel Orion!) and leave it out where you can see it all the time

<3 asking if a particular Archangel is with you - e.g. ask - is there an Archangel who wants to work with me?

<3 learn the Archangels

<3 just about anything else you want to do with it!

In the video below I do a tiny mini-reading for Emma about her life purpose and it kind of blew me away! These cards definitely work and I can't say enough good things about them. If you want a reading with me using these cards head to my readings page or find me on Facebook and whip me a message!

You can get yourself a box at Kyle's store for a tenner - and for more info about Kyle and the amazing work he's doing check him out at -

<3 New Age Hipster stamp of approval! <3


 Love, light and Angel Prayers!

