manifest — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Why isn't my manifesting working?

We do everything they tell us to do. We visualise, we burn letters, we call on the Angels of Abundance, we surrender, we journal, but sometimes, no matter how many things we are doing "right", our manifesting just doesn't seem to be working

And when that happens we go into freak out mode - this stuff doesn't work! Rarrr! And throw our cauldrons across the room. Or we scream at the universe "when is it my turn?!" We make demands, get furious at ourselves for being terrible manifestors, give up, cry, decide that this damn stuff doesn't work at all and then we try just one more guided meditation for abundance! 

There are so many reasons manifesting doesn't work, and most of them aren't because you're just a shit manifestor. So before you run out and buy a new set of prosperity candles because obvs the ones you have are duds, check out these reasons for why your dream man/woman/job/house/whatever hasn't turned up yet.


It's just a timing thing

Things don't always manifest on our timeline. Maybe your dream man is still getting out of a relationship he needed to have so he'd have learned some soul lessons and be ready for you. Maybe your house is still being built. Maybe you think you're ready for that book deal, but actually, you're kind of not. 

The universe doesn't (usually) deliver according to your iPhone calendar. If it's taking ages, it's probably for your best and highest good, so sit pretty, pretty one!


keeping the faith

Do you actually believe what you're doing is working? If you don't think your manifesting is working, guess what? It's not going to work. 

If you don't believe you deserve that new job, you probably won't get it, no matter how many manifesting tools you use. Or, you will get it and then fall into a heap of like "OMG I can't do this! I'm not good enough!"

Maybe the problem is not that you don't believe in the powers of manifesting and the universe, you just don't believe you deserve great stuff, which is a totally different blog post (watch this space).


what your heart really wants

Oh this is a corker. Sometimes when we try to manifest things we saw in the Urban Outfitters catalogue instead of from our hearts it's not always in alignment.

Now some people have huge successes manifesting fancy cars, huge wads of cash and hot outfits. Not me though. I find manifesting from my heart means it's way more likely to come into being.

I manifested New Age Hipster because I followed my heart. I manifested Taylor Swift tickets because I love her (and I love my friend Toni who had a spare ticket!). I manifested a uni scholarship because I loved the subject I wanted to study. I manifested my partner because my heart wanted him. When I look at what other people have and get into a place of manifesting what they have, that never works. Or, sometimes it does, and it teaches you a lot. 

Just chilling out last summer in Hyde Park, London with my mates Toni + Tay Tay x

Just chilling out last summer in Hyde Park, London with my mates Toni + Tay Tay x


gratitude for what you have

Being in gratitude is one of the best ways to manifest more awesome.

But you can't do it because you want more awesome right?

If you're keeping a gratitude journal just because you want to manifest more stuff that's not totally a great energy right there. Keep a gratitude journal because your life rocks and you want to remember that every single day. With no agenda! It's like when you ask for some big birthday present, and then you get it, you open it and are like oh YAY! But then you turn around and start wondering where the other presents are. That person who gave you that big present might be like - eesh! and not totally dig your vibe. 

Have gratitude for your life, just because, not because you want more stuff.


being too specific

If you want to feel freedom in your life stop asking for more clients, a better job, a chance to travel or a horse.

If you want a horse, ask instead for the feeling of freedom in your life. If you want to feel loved don't ask for a husband who looks exactly like Rupert Grint, just ask for a partner who makes you feel loved, supported and happy!

Manifesting works better for me when I manifest for how I want to feel, the kind of life I want to have rather than the make and model. 


being too vague

I do readings for so many people who say to me that they don't know what they want. After talking to them for less an hour we've uncovered exactly what they want and some ways for them to start moving towards it! 

Don't be vague with the universe. If you want to own your own 1950's diner with turquoise chairs and a vegan menu don't answer the question "so what do you want to do with your life?" with "oh, I'm not really sure, maybe something with food." If you want those turquoise chairs damn well say that's what you want! 

I had a white cat and a tabby on my vision board for ages before I got Zorro, but I never had the intention he had to be white or tabby! I just really wanted a cat in my life. Good thing too, because I love his black splodges so much! x

I had a white cat and a tabby on my vision board for ages before I got Zorro, but I never had the intention he had to be white or tabby! I just really wanted a cat in my life. Good thing too, because I love his black splodges so much! x


It's not part of your soul's purpose

Sometimes things just aren't part of our purpose.

If your soul came here to experience a simple life out in the country you may not have much luck in manifesting that massive penthouse in London, or you will, but it won't make you happy and you'll head back to the country anyway. If your soul wanted to travel the world maybe you just won't be able to manifest that corporate job that sounds awesome, but is going to keep you tied down for the next twenty years. 

You can totally manifest things that aren't in alignment with your soul, but it doesn't usually make you feel as awesome as you thought it would


It's a lesson

Oh it's always a bloody lesson right? But there is so much growth and learning to be had in not getting what you want. Do you just wanna just be handed every single thing you want on a plate, like today? Like some miserable princess or prince sitting in a tower snapping their fingers and having it all done for them?

Those characters are never very interesting or happy in those stories. Your story will be much more interesting if you have some challenges, some highs and lows, joy in finding the right person to spend your life with after so many disasters, disappointment in not landing that dream job, but finding something else that makes your heart pop that you never even thought you wanted!

Still working on manifesting a couple of these... x

Still working on manifesting a couple of these... x

Manifesting is pretty awesome, but so is being open to all the magic life has to offer you that you can't even imagine, let alone find pictures of for your vision board!

I'd love to hear your manifesting stories in the comments below or over on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group! What amazing things have you manifested in your life? And what do you do when your manifestations aren't working?

With love, light and magic manifesting,



How to be Spiritual on a Budget

There are times in our lives when we are abundant in love, but a little cash poor. Perhaps you are waiting for your abundance truck to come in, or maybe you are in a crazy awesome mega money flow. Whatever your situation in the bank, getting a good deal can still feel darn good! 

So for those of you out there who love a discount as much as I do, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite free things and super cheap ways to keep your spiritual cup full, even when you are living off beans and white bread.


Inspiration for your ears

There are sooooo many free spiritual podcasts on iTunes! There are loads of free Gabrielle Bernstein lectures to listen to and my personal fave - The Psychic Teachers. And if you check out our neighbourhood Passion Junkie Fab's podcast you might even find an interview with me on there! :-O I could write a whole post about podcasts, because I love so many of them, but just go check them out for yourself and see what you find! There is soooo much totally free spiritual goodness to be had on iTunes!


Free Meditations

YouTube is so good for free meditations! I LOVE Neil Cooper's Meditations and also came across the lovely Ros recently who has really seriously awesome Angel Meditations! Hay House Presents also have an awesome playlist of meditations featuring totally free meditations with gorgeous and amazing peeps like Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh!


Free Yoga

If you are looking for some amazing free Yoga videos on YouTube you can't go past Yoga with Adriene!



Don't think you have to spend a small fortune on a cute necklace just because a certain stone is resonating with you right now. Part of the reason I wear chip bracelets all the time is because they are uber cheap! But even cheaper are regular plain old tumble stones. Pop them in your pocket, or even hide them in your bra! You can grab tumble stones from any new age shop, gift shop or even some museums have them too! Etsy have loads and lots of peeps are popping them into special bags to make searching for what you need a whole lot easier!

These babies cost between just 25p and a couple of quid each! x

These babies cost between just 25p and a couple of quid each! x

Cheap books

There are a few ways I get my super cheap spiritual books. When something comes on my radar I check out Amazon and go straight to the used prices. If you don't mind a few dog ears and marks on your cover you can get amazing things for as little as ONE penny! I'm not even joking! Plus postage, but that still only brings your book up to £2.81! I've found books on healing, Doreen Virtue books for 1p and there's even some brand new books for only 22p! But buying second hand is good for the planet, good for the trees and good for your pocket too! Add books to your wishlist on Amazon and then check back later because the prices often go even further down!

If you really do prefer your books brand new, or you can't find what you want second hand, check out Wordery and Book Depository. They ship anywhere in the world for FREE and often have cheaper prices too! I just bought a book on Wordery for £7.16 that had a recommended retail of £16.99! BARGAIN ALERT!!

Charity shops often have spiritual books tucked away in their non-fiction sections. Just this week I scored a Marianne Williamson book for £1! A bargain and it helps charities too! YAY!

This awesome book was only £1.61! OMG! YES! And it's a pretty good read too! 

This awesome book was only £1.61! OMG! YES! And it's a pretty good read too! 



Head over to Doreen Virtue's channel for an Angel Reading or hit up the New Age Hipster channel! Even though these readings aren't totally personalised to you, you'll find that certain words will grab you, some cards will feel like they are just for you and they will also help you make sense of the energies around you. Great for you if you can't grab a personal reading just now.



Many readers, such as myself, offer occasional giveaway readings, and other random freebies so make sure you follow the readers you like on InstagramFacebook and Twitter so you are the first to see when these things happen. Every time I do a deck review I ask my FB peeps for a question so I can include in my video how the cards work for a reading. You can see one I did for the lovely Gracy! The reading starts at 17:17.


Cheap Decks

There is a lot of talk about second hand decks being bad juju. I was on that bandwagon myself, but after I found The Angel Oracle Deck for just 29p on Amazon I changed my tune about that. The deck had barely been touched and I do totally think that deck was meant to come to me! Recycling is super important these days, so if you see an awesome second hand deck don't freak, you are just doing some spiritual recycling! Also check Ebay for a bargain deck too - especially hard to find decks! I got the Art Nouveau Tarot for about £20 on Ebay a little while ago and it's now going for £75! Keep your eyes peeled for a bargain!


Not a bad for 29p! Just one of the cards in the Angel Oracle deck by Ambika Wauters. x

Not a bad for 29p! Just one of the cards in the Angel Oracle deck by Ambika Wauters. x


Candles and other bits

We can't all afford to kit out our altar with stuff from the local Crystal store. I often buy scarves and tablecloths from charity shops or Etsy! Incense is pretty cheap, you can even check pound stores to find it even cheaper. I found this cool picture of Mother Mary for a couple of quid in a pound store! Don't worry about spending loads on candles either, a few home brand tea lights or a couple of white pillars from IKEA can look just as awesome as anything you spent a bucket-load on! Again check out charity stores for brick-a-brack bits like candle-holders! And if you want some images to stick around the place, save them from Pinterest and then print them off at work (haha, I didn't tell you to do that! :-P ) and stick them around your spiritual areas!

Cosmic Tarot from Wordery, Candle holder from charity shop! x

Cosmic Tarot from Wordery, Candle holder from charity shop! x


You can literally spend NO money and still be a total spirit junkie these days, and for just a couple of quid you can get yourself a deck and some books! 

May the metaphysical force be with you bargain hunters. Please come over to Facebook and share your bargains with us all too! 

Love, light and bargain shopping!



How to make a freaking awesome vision board

With the new moon on Saturday I thought it would be a great day to maybe spend the afternoon chilling and working on a new vision board. The new moon is the best time to get cracking on your manifestation!

So I get that vision boards aren't a new thing and you may have even made quite a few yourself over the years, but if you haven't, or if you just want a little inspiration for your next one I thought I'd share with you how I do them. I started making vision boards years ago and every time I make a new one the process evolves, just like yours will. Feel free to use any of the ideas below but stay true to your intuition and make the vision board that is right for you!

You can make a vision board for your life in general or a specific part of your life. I made the above vision board for New Age Hipster, but I've been meaning to update my whole life one for ages! I would highly recommend that if you do one for your business or work or whatever that you do another one for everything else. You don't want to get too focused on your work and forget all the amazing things you want for the rest of your life!

Let's get started!


You will need:

<3 Magazines

<3 Card or paper

<3 Scissors + glue

<3 Glitter!

<3 Whatever other craft bits

<3 Intention

<3 Vibe raising music

A note on magazines: I find the best ones to use are things like Psychologies, Soul and Spirit, Red and anything arty or heavy on high quality images. Try to stay away from the trashy mags, and that's not a judgement on your reading material, hey I love to grab a trashy mag every now and then, but most of the images are of celeb cellulite and they tend to be full of gossipy low vibes. Yes this could spark a debate about how most magazines contain gossipy low vibes - stick to your Psychologies and spiritual mags if you prefer, I just really like Red because they always have great travel images! :-)


Step 1: Get comfy

Find a space where you can totally spread out everything and where you aren't going to be disturbed by people who aren't going to get wtf you are doing. I have a desk right now that I can spread out on, but I also really like working on the bed! Dining tables work well too but do be careful if your table is glass as you may accidentally (I'M SO SORRY!) scratch the surface with your scissors.

Find some music that suits your vibe. You are manifesting right now so you need to be concious about the kind of music you listen to. Spotify has some cool Zen/Focus playlists which I like, but there's also this amazing song Expand into Intuitive Knowing which is CRAZY high vibe manifesting music so don't be thinking anything crap about yourself when listening! If you have a favourite band or playlist that raises your vibe, even if it's like power ballads or whatever, go for it! You know what makes you feel good!


Step 2: Cutting out pictures

So now you've got the music on, maybe you've made a cup of tea too, and you are ready to start. You may want to say a little prayer or whatever but I usually find that the intention you come to this activity with - to create your life is usually enough. All you want to do is start flipping through the magazines and clipping out anything that resonates with you.

At this point I wouldn't worry too much about finding a picture of a dream house, finding specific words or holiday destinations, just clip anything that catches your eye. Don't worry about cutting anything out too neatly either. If you end up with loads of stuff left over you can keep it somewhere safe for next time, or another project. If you stay open you may find that things are popping out at you that you didn't even know you wanted or needed in your life. You might start noticing pictures of cats and thinking - oh yeah, I do really want a cat in my life. Or a holiday destination you've never even heard of may catch your eye and you may end up going there and meeting the love of your life! Ooooh!

Check out the image below that I stuck on when I was manifesting for a cat - my cat looks a lot like that white one being squished! :-)

Step 3: Organising pictures

First get your backing ready. I usually just tape a bunch of paper together for my backing, but you can use a nice card or whatever. One vision board I used I just stuck stuff onto brown paper roll. Make it as big as you want, but you may find you want to make it bigger as you go, which taping paper together allows for.

Then start going through your pictures. Put down the ones you definitely want, arranging and rearranging until you're happy! You can always go back to your magazines if you want more pictures.


Step 4: Glue & Glitter!

Then all you have to do is glue all your pictures on! When I'm done I like to put some glitter on somewhere, either around the edges, or on specific pictures or wherever the hell I want! Glitter is totally optional, but I think it adds a touch of magic!


Step 5: Stick it up

When it's dry find somewhere to hang it. The idea is to put it somewhere you are going to see it all the time. I get that not everyone has a place like this, but try to put it somewhere as prominent as possible! 

This one hangs in my bedroom because my bf is cool like that, but in previous living situations I've had to be a little sneakier about where I put it!

Vision boards - New Age Hipster

Tips and tricks:

<3 Take a photo of a section of your board and make it your phone or laptop wallpaper - esp great if you can't put it up somewhere really obvious

<3 Don't be afraid to include pictures of people who resonate with you, I was afraid to do this on my first few in case I somehow manifested that person - LOL! But now I have an image of a chic working from home on my biz board, Wonder Woman and Dolly Parton!

<3 Stick anything you want on there. It doesn't have to be all dream houses and yoga poses, a glittery pair of earrings or a perfume bottle may symbolise things you want out of your life, so stick 'em on!

<3 Light a candle of intention while you work

<3 Make a new vision board whenever you feel like you need to, on the new moon is especially great, so is new year and your birthday!

<3 Have a vision board party! Get all your friends to come round and sit around and share your dreams

<3 There is no right or wrong, and as you create different boards for different things at different times in your life you will discover your own best way for you to make a vision board that makes your dreams come true...


Share your own awesome ideas for creating your vision board (or a picture of your board!) either in the comments below or come on over and chat to other visionaries on FacebookAnd you just have to let us know when things start manifesting - because you know they will! ;-)

<3 Love, light and new vision vibes! <3




How to go from Daydreamer to Go-getter in 111 pages!

Leonie Dawson 2015 Create Your Shining Year Workbook I've been kind of vaguely aware of Leonie Dawson for a while, but other than that she was some kind of hippie millionaire who draws pictures of butterflies I knew next to nothing about her. In recent months (funnily enough about the same time I've been doing this New Age Hipster thing) I've joined a lot of 'grow your blog/business' groups and people were going ape-shit (sorry, but that's really the only way I can describe it!) over this book. Grown women who run their own successful businesses were fangirling all over social media about the release of this workbook and swearing by it as a way to set goals and make things happen in both their lives and businesses. I was interested, but also kind of like - 'WTF are you guys on? Seriously?' And then I spotted this infographic:

Leonie Dawson infographic about goals

I've always been a dreamer. My mum always says 'if you're going to dream - dream big'. I never had a problem with dreaming and thinking about what I wanted for my life. When I was a kid I wanted to be a pop star. Now I want to be the next Doreen Virtue/Stephanie Meyer. I always had pretty big dreams, that was never the problem for me. What I always sucked at was making a plan, staying focussed and actually making something happen. I was pretty blown away by the fact that 80% of people have no goals. I mean OMG REALLY? A few years ago I started writing things down, working with the Universe to make things happen and hey, apparently that works OK! But reviewing goals? Getting to December 31st each year and looking at my bookshelf where my novel still didn't sit was kind of the only reviewing I've done.

Deciding to make New Age Hipster an actual business and not just some extra place on the internet to faff about on has made me realise that there is more to goals and ambition than thinking it's for losers. I always though planning and goal setting was like the most boring thing any one could ask me to do. But Goddess Leonie has made me see things differently. Damn it I want to be in the 1%!!

Sorry, I had to. x

Enough of that, let's move onto the rave review...!

The first thing I want to say about this Workbook is that just having it makes you want to set goals, plan for your year ahead and make shit happen. Befre you even open it the magic is oozing out of the cover. Just the idea that you can create your Shining Year is like - WOAH, I can seriously do this!

Now the next thing I want to say (I have lots to say) is that this whole book reminds me of those 'about me' books you used to do in school, did you have those?! I used to freaking love those books! I was always sitting around filling in my favourite stuff, drawing stupid pictures and feeling special because it was all about meLeonie's art is so cute and lovely and Goddessy and even though I usually go for a neon bright bold hipster/80s/rock chic style of art, the curly-cue girly images really draw you into Leonie's magic making Goddess world, and the style is perfect for Sunday mornings in bed with your tea and to-do lists!

The Create Your Shining Year Workbook comes in soooo many options - electronic download for if you're on a budget or just prefer that version, or the printed one (which I got because I just LOVE BOOKS! RARRR!). Also you can decide if you want the Life version, the Biz version or both (the one I got!) - Biz + Life! So if you don't have a business you can just plan your freaking whole LIFE OK? And that's awesome! Because planning my business stuff has made me realise how cool it is to plan for my LIFE! You know, like holidays, and yoga classes, and literally 100 things you want to do this year.

There are so many amazing things to fill in and I don't want to tell you them all because THERE IS STILL TIME TO GET ONE (it's still January!!) and I want you to enjoy it and not be like - Oh yeah I read about this bit on Vix's blog, but I thought I'd share with you (in Instagram pics!) my journey with this book so far! I still have a couple of pages left to fill in and I was going to do them, but then I thought - screw it, leave them for later in the year when I really need it. Also, you have to revisit your book and goals every month and it comes with printable calendar pages to help you do that! I have two versions of the calendar on my wall right now - one for my life and one for my blog.

Enough reading, let's look at piccies! Eeep!

Here's part of my 100 things to do in 2015 list. Amazing how some of the stuff I thought of doing this year would never would have crossed my mind if I hadn't had to write 100! Can't wait to do number 88 - Watch all the Back to the Future movies in a row - with nachos. 88 - get it?!

100 things to do in 2015


And here's my list of things to do when things suck.

When everything sucks...


Here's me working on my Dream Board with Zorro looking seriously freaking cute. He sleeps with his head in his paws! OMG! NAWWW!

Dream boarding! x


...And here's my 2015 word of the year - SHINE! How darn appropriate!

Sacred word for 2015

There is SO still time to get your hands on one of these life-changing soul-singing workbooks! Just CLICK HERE! And guess what? I'm officially a Leonie Dawson affiliate (and you can be one too)! But to say thanks for clicking through and making your purchase from my blog and not the gazillion other blogs raving about this Goddess Genius I'm giving away a free one card Tarot or Angel Card reading (via email, FB chat or on the phone!). All you have to do is make sure you click through from New Age Hipster and then send me a message vix(at) or via Facebook - I'm NewAgeHipster333 and let me know!

I really hope you get one so we can fangirl (or fanboy!!) all over the internet together and check in with each other during the year and be accountable for making all our biggest dreams come true in 2015!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and good goal setting vibes! <3



The Week Ahead - 3rd to 9th November

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

This week's messages are brought to you by the Fairies! I used the super cute Magical Messages from the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue. I love this deck, I picked it up moments after Doreen Virtue herself told me I had 'so many fairies around me'. I'd been working with the fairies for a while, but hadn't really seen much response back from them, but I guess they are working with me, and this week they are working with everyone who reads this!

Monday - Good-bye to the old, hello to the new

Get rid of some old stuff today. Clean out your car, or your closet, your mind or your energy. It feels like we are just finishing off these last few months now, ready to begin again in January, but actually, new things are starting NOW if you are open to them! Something in your life wants to be over. Let it go!

Tuesday - Business venture

A great day to brainstorm some business ideas alone, or with a potential business partner! Maybe you need to spend some time today looking online for jobs or courses. And if you are one of the lucky ones who loves their job - yay for you! But what about working towards a promotion or even sharing some of your skills on a volunteer basis? There is always more we can do with our awesome skills!

Wednesday - Your desire is within reach

Today is about connecting to your faith. It's so easy to get mad at the Universe, hello, I've been there recently myself. Today we do whatever we need to do to reconnect to our 'faith', whatever that means to you. It could be having a cry about everything that's going wrong and letting it all out, throwing a pillow, or just moping around for a couple of hours, but after that you need to take a deep breath, remember what you believe and why and tune back into that.

Thursday - Your wish is granted!

Jiminy Cricket! What a great day to start working on manifesting something! You've reconnected with your faith, now sit quietly and put out into the Universe what you really want. Not just some fancy dress or pair of £800 shoes. No,no, no - what do you really want? Do you want a new job? A life partner? A new house? Travel? Start putting it out into the Universe. I don't want to hear any - 'Oh I think I might want to be a writer someday' kind of vague intentions. No, no. 'I ama writer!' is what you will say, and you'll bloody well mean it! (the word writer is totally exchangeable!)

Friday - Summer & Travel

You need to sow the seeds NOW for what you want to see in your life in six or eight months time. You can't sit on the couch watching Netflix all winter and expect to wake up in Summer with a fun new job. Friday is also a fun day to start planning a getaway. Remember when you travel that you it's not just about you having a good time. When we travel we can help others! Whether it's volunteering in South America, or shining your light on a tiny seaside village, your holiday is not just about you!

Saturday - Winter

We're sowing the seeds for what we want to achieve later down the track but we also need to stop and look around at our lives and be thankful for all we have, and all that we have manifested in our lives so far. Think back to how your life was six months ago or a year ago and be thankful for all you've achieved. Sure, a lot of us have gone through hard times, but we can be thankful for those lessons and move on now knowing we have learnt them and won't have to do that again!

Sunday - New Career

Every weekend we are getting career guidance lately, what's up with that? OK this is a serious message for Sunday - Stop finishing work on Friday, going to the pub and then wasting your whole weekend "having fun" and then going back to work on Monday and doing it all again. It's time to break that cycle and find work that is meaningful to you. It's not going to happen overnight, but like they said on Thursday - sow the seeds now! What do you really want to do career wise?! How do you want to make your money? Read some books about industries you would like to work in, watch a documentary about animal rights, teach yourself tarot. Just do something constructive OK? Even if you love your job, what other skills do you wish you had?!

The fairies have well and truly kicked our butts about this week! They're expecting big things from us, and they totally believe we can do it, or else they wouldn't have wasted their time helping me write this right?!

Also, don't forget to recycle this week! I'm not just talking about regular paper and plastic, but all packaging. Packaging is crazy and it makes me sad when I think about how much of it is in the world, so let's minimise it's impact by recycling everything we possibly can this week! Join the conversation on Facebook and click on the Readings tab for more info about how to get your own personal messages from the fairies!

Wishing you all a busy, powerful fairy light filled week!

Love and light!



What the heck is intention?


There's a lot of talk going around in spiritual circles about 'intentions'.

So like,  what is an intention anyway?!

An intention isn't like, just thinking about something you want. "I want pizza" doesn't always equate to pizza magically turning up. But if you really make it your intention to get a pizza into your life you'll think about, salivate over it, yearn for it and stick your hands down the crumby cracks of the couch to find your loose change and make it happen. That's intention.

papa johns ad

It starts with a thought, sure, but it has to either come from a deeper place, or you have to put that thought into a deeper place to make it an intention.


OK, let's go back to the pizza analogy. In version 1, you might not have even realised you wanted pizza. Maybe you were watching Breaking Bad or some other show with a cool pizza scene and you find yourself thinking - "Hmm, I wouldn't mind a pizza right about now." You start thinking about the pizza more and more, you find yourself checking the Just-Eat app to look at pizza menus and you realise - I am going to make this pizza thing happen. Boom! Intention.


In version 2 you are driving home from work and you have a sudden realisation - you just have to eat a pizza. No question, no doubt, you will have pizza! That's intention!

Think about how many fleeting thoughts you have in a day, then think about the things that stick. That feeling that you need to get out of your job, or that your boyfriend is a jerk and you can probably do better. Or, if you're like me, you'll have that nagging feeling of needing to get to work on some project you've been procrastinating about (hello blog). Changing or fixing those things make awesome intentions!

But it doesn't have to be that full-on! I was all in love with aqua aura crystals a couple of weeks ago. I pinned about a hundred of them and today my aqua aura crystal turned up in the mail! OK, so I bought it off Etsy, and maybe that doesn't count as actual manifestation, but *I* made it happen! I made that crystal go into a baggy in Hawaii and turn up at my doorstep in England - as if by magic!


So once we work out what we want, whether it's a new boyfriend or a pizza, how do we get it? You can't buy everything off Etsy after all.  Now, I'm no genius in manifestation, but I do OK. I'm still waiting on the dream job and the house but hey, all in divine timing right?! but for now, one of my favourite intention fire starters is...


When I'm in the shower in the morning I basically meditate and do all my prayers and shielding stuff. I get in there at around 5:30am so let's just say some days it goes better than others, but I always try to finish off with an intention for the day. I don't just say the first thing I think of - 'my intention today is to win the lottery so I never have to get up this early again!' No, I can do better than that! I'm basically part incarnated angel and so I'm not really all that good at sticking up for myself and speaking my truth (oh hello aqua aura!), so that's been something I've been putting in my morning intentions, and yes, it is working!

It's not like you're doing that much else in the shower right? You can spare ten seconds each morning to make an intention for your day, even if it's just to order a pizza when you get home, because that sounds pretty damn good to me!

Love, light and pizza intentions,

