Why isn't my manifesting working?
We do everything they tell us to do. We visualise, we burn letters, we call on the Angels of Abundance, we surrender, we journal, but sometimes, no matter how many things we are doing "right", our manifesting just doesn't seem to be working.
And when that happens we go into freak out mode - this stuff doesn't work! Rarrr! And throw our cauldrons across the room. Or we scream at the universe "when is it my turn?!" We make demands, get furious at ourselves for being terrible manifestors, give up, cry, decide that this damn stuff doesn't work at all and then we try just one more guided meditation for abundance!
There are so many reasons manifesting doesn't work, and most of them aren't because you're just a shit manifestor. So before you run out and buy a new set of prosperity candles because obvs the ones you have are duds, check out these reasons for why your dream man/woman/job/house/whatever hasn't turned up yet.
It's just a timing thing
Things don't always manifest on our timeline. Maybe your dream man is still getting out of a relationship he needed to have so he'd have learned some soul lessons and be ready for you. Maybe your house is still being built. Maybe you think you're ready for that book deal, but actually, you're kind of not.
The universe doesn't (usually) deliver according to your iPhone calendar. If it's taking ages, it's probably for your best and highest good, so sit pretty, pretty one!
keeping the faith
Do you actually believe what you're doing is working? If you don't think your manifesting is working, guess what? It's not going to work.
If you don't believe you deserve that new job, you probably won't get it, no matter how many manifesting tools you use. Or, you will get it and then fall into a heap of like "OMG I can't do this! I'm not good enough!"
Maybe the problem is not that you don't believe in the powers of manifesting and the universe, you just don't believe you deserve great stuff, which is a totally different blog post (watch this space).
what your heart really wants
Oh this is a corker. Sometimes when we try to manifest things we saw in the Urban Outfitters catalogue instead of from our hearts it's not always in alignment.
Now some people have huge successes manifesting fancy cars, huge wads of cash and hot outfits. Not me though. I find manifesting from my heart means it's way more likely to come into being.
I manifested New Age Hipster because I followed my heart. I manifested Taylor Swift tickets because I love her (and I love my friend Toni who had a spare ticket!). I manifested a uni scholarship because I loved the subject I wanted to study. I manifested my partner because my heart wanted him. When I look at what other people have and get into a place of manifesting what they have, that never works. Or, sometimes it does, and it teaches you a lot.
Just chilling out last summer in Hyde Park, London with my mates Toni + Tay Tay x
gratitude for what you have
Being in gratitude is one of the best ways to manifest more awesome.
But you can't do it because you want more awesome right?
If you're keeping a gratitude journal just because you want to manifest more stuff that's not totally a great energy right there. Keep a gratitude journal because your life rocks and you want to remember that every single day. With no agenda! It's like when you ask for some big birthday present, and then you get it, you open it and are like oh YAY! But then you turn around and start wondering where the other presents are. That person who gave you that big present might be like - eesh! and not totally dig your vibe.
Have gratitude for your life, just because, not because you want more stuff.
being too specific
If you want to feel freedom in your life stop asking for more clients, a better job, a chance to travel or a horse.
If you want a horse, ask instead for the feeling of freedom in your life. If you want to feel loved don't ask for a husband who looks exactly like Rupert Grint, just ask for a partner who makes you feel loved, supported and happy!
Manifesting works better for me when I manifest for how I want to feel, the kind of life I want to have rather than the make and model.
being too vague
I do readings for so many people who say to me that they don't know what they want. After talking to them for less an hour we've uncovered exactly what they want and some ways for them to start moving towards it!
Don't be vague with the universe. If you want to own your own 1950's diner with turquoise chairs and a vegan menu don't answer the question "so what do you want to do with your life?" with "oh, I'm not really sure, maybe something with food." If you want those turquoise chairs damn well say that's what you want!
I had a white cat and a tabby on my vision board for ages before I got Zorro, but I never had the intention he had to be white or tabby! I just really wanted a cat in my life. Good thing too, because I love his black splodges so much! x
It's not part of your soul's purpose
Sometimes things just aren't part of our purpose.
If your soul came here to experience a simple life out in the country you may not have much luck in manifesting that massive penthouse in London, or you will, but it won't make you happy and you'll head back to the country anyway. If your soul wanted to travel the world maybe you just won't be able to manifest that corporate job that sounds awesome, but is going to keep you tied down for the next twenty years.
You can totally manifest things that aren't in alignment with your soul, but it doesn't usually make you feel as awesome as you thought it would.
It's a lesson
Oh it's always a bloody lesson right? But there is so much growth and learning to be had in not getting what you want. Do you just wanna just be handed every single thing you want on a plate, like today? Like some miserable princess or prince sitting in a tower snapping their fingers and having it all done for them?
Those characters are never very interesting or happy in those stories. Your story will be much more interesting if you have some challenges, some highs and lows, joy in finding the right person to spend your life with after so many disasters, disappointment in not landing that dream job, but finding something else that makes your heart pop that you never even thought you wanted!
Still working on manifesting a couple of these... x
Manifesting is pretty awesome, but so is being open to all the magic life has to offer you that you can't even imagine, let alone find pictures of for your vision board!
I'd love to hear your manifesting stories in the comments below or over on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group! What amazing things have you manifested in your life? And what do you do when your manifestations aren't working?
With love, light and magic manifesting,