The week ahead

Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - March 16 to 22 2015

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986
Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

This week is going to be a doozy so hold onto your hats hipsters! I'm using the Cosmic Tarot, and I kind of think this is why we got such a heavy reading this week. I love how different decks give us a different energy, and this deck is one of those kicking us in the butt decks. Hey, sometimes we need that!

Start of the week – Nine of Swords reversed

There are a lot of outside influences this week that are getting in at us. We might be feeling anxious or stressed about stuff going on in our lives, but we have to remember that it has nothing to do with who you really are! Get protected this week, visualise a bubble or shield of some kind around you before you leave the house. Try to let go of this “stuff” by putting it into perspective. You need to leave work at work, leave the issues with your ex with your ex. Don't bring other people's negativity into your space.

Middle of the week – The World

Oh how wonderful! The World here is reminding us how beautiful and amazing the world really is. Go outside and breathe, look up from your iPhone for once! The world is fricking amazing and really, we are so lucky to be here. Spend some time in the awe of it this week. Again think about putting things into perspective. Sure you have stuff to do, but what can be left until tomorrow in exchange for time spent with loved ones today?

End of the week – King of Pentacles reversed

OK this is going to weird people out. I really think it's time to take a break from all the abundance manifestingand just be thankful for what we have right now. Having goals and trying to achieve stuff is great, don't get me wrong, it's awesome to be working towards big stuff! But I think sometimes we get so into manifesting money and success that we forget to take stock of what we've already done and what we have. Spend some quality time with people you love this weekend and really freaking appreciate them. If you have food on the table, a roof over your head and someone to call when you feel sad you are doing pretty bloody well. Don't forget that.

Bonus card – The Lovers (OoOooooh!)

So this card was facing the wrong way round when I took my deck out, and I totally don't remember leaving it like that! Again this is a message to spend time with loved ones this week. If you are single it's a good week to have a crush on someone new or talk to that hottie patottie who makes your soy decaf latte. If you're in a relationship put aside all that “outside stuff” for a night and go on a date! The lovers card isn't just about romance either, it can be about any kind of love - love for your pets, love for your job or love for a passion that you have! You may just want to really spend some time doing what you love this week.

So this week is really all about doing a little soul searching, working out what's really important to us, the stuff that doesn't have a cash price. It's about showing love to those you love and stopping and smelling the roses. The world is an amazing place and life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.

In other news I'm heading off to sunny Australia next week and although I wanted to pre-write and record a bunch of readings for you for while I'm gone I've decided to give myself a little self care treat and recharge my energies so I can come back fresh and ready for a new chapter in the New Age Hipster story, including the weekly readings getting a little shake up! If you've been thinking of ordering a reading from my Etsy Store you need to get in quick sticks! I have some slots available early this week, but I will be going on vacay mode on Wednesday (18.3.15)! I'll still be on Facebook and Instagram posting loads of photos of kangaroos, Aussie themed tarot decks (I hope I can find some!), Melbourne coffee, sparkly things and beaches! I'll still do mini insta-readings though so stay in touch!

<3 Love, light and smelling the yellow roses <3



Weekly Reading – March 9 TO 15 2015 – Morgan's Tarot

Morgan's Tarot - Morgan Robbins
Morgan's Tarot - Morgan Robbins

Welcome to another week on Planet Earth kids! This week your spiritual guidance comes courtesy of the Morgan's Tarot. First printed in the 1970's this is a seriously bizarre quirky deck that gives pretty amazing readings! So let's see how it can help us this week to make the most of the next 7 days ahead...

Start of the week - There are no others

This card reminds you that no one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself. You have to be your own knight in shining armour. Sure, you may have a great partner, friends and loads of people who will help you on your life path, which is a wonderful thing! But there are times in life when you need to be the one to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. You're a grown up now, if you fall over and scratch your knee do you sit there and cry until mummy comes running with a Bandaid? Or do you get the hell up and get on with your day?

Middle of the week - What's happening?

When I pulled this card I saw these shapes as being 'organised', and that's what we need to do a little of this week. We've spent some time lately trying to see the big picture, well now it's time to zoom in on that one thing that we can do this week to move forward in our lives. You don't have to get the whole thing worked out, but you do have to make some progress. Even just some planning, some research or some thinking and journalling would be a good start. A small start is better than no start! Whatever is coming up for you in the middle of the week - break it down into manageable chunks. Don't freak out.

End of the week - Freak!

This weekend is all about letting your inner freak out to play! It's about being totally true to yourself, who you are, how you want to act and what you want to wear. Don't stop wearing that bright pink cardigan just because someone at work made a snarky comment about it. Don't stop singing along to the radio when you're browsing in your favourite store when someone looks at you weird, be totally completely freakishly you this weekend. Embrace your inner freak and see what they have to tell you! On the back of that, make sure this week that you are seeing the beauty in other people's inner freaks too! When you see someone on the street who you think looks ridiculous instead of thinking "OMG what is that person wearing?" change your thought to one of "wow, that person has such an individual style", or "I have so much respect for someone that just wears whatever they want to!"

I hope your week is amazing, and if you are free I would love to see you at my Angel Wisdom Wednesday event this week! I'll be doing free readings on my Facebook page for an hour! Join the event for your chance to ask a question and get a free reading! Yay! Oh, and sign up below to get the New Age Hipster newsletter because I'm about to send everyone something really cool and totally free!

<3 I'm sending you all loads of love, light and freakishly awesome vibes! <3



Weekly Reading - March 2 to 8 2015 - Angel Prayers Oracle

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Howdy Hipsters! OMG it's March! How did that happen so fast?! Don't worry, you still have like, 9 months left to be awesome if you're not already being awesome, and I kind of think if you're reading this, you are. I'm using the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck by Kyle Gray this week because I freaking adore the heck out of this deck and haven't used it on the blog for ages!

Start of the week - Earth Angel

Don't forget that although you can call on your Angels for help, you actually are an Earth Angel. This means that so many of the traits and so much of the power of the Angels is already within you! WOW! Keep calling on the Angels for help, but also remember that you can help yourself. You have the power within yourself to make amazing things happen in your life. Don't forget that this week!

Middle of the week - Spirit Animal

Connect with nature, animals and your Spirit Animal this week. Also, I see this card coming up on the back of the Earth Angel card as a message to make sure that we don't always only keep our heads in the clouds chatting to the angels, but that we find a balance and connect with the energies of the earth too! Do your grounding visualisations (feet growing roots!) and breath in some forest/sea/park air!

End of the week - Peace and Harmony - Archangel Raguel

OK, so sometimes you need to be the one who creates the harmony in a situation or relationship. It's so easy to get stuck in the idea that we are 'right' about things and that letting go of disagreements or arguments means we are admitting we are 'wrong'. What we need to do is remember that everyone is on a different journey. We are not all here to read Tarot for others, we are not all here to connect with Angels and live a shiny life, some of us have different reasons for being here and we need to acknowledge that, even if we don't understand it. It's still not OK to do really bad stuff to each other, but part of your journey is to forgive and create peace, harmony and shine your light.

Bonus card! - Spiritual Gifts - Archangel Raziel

Ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe you are well on your way to discovering what your gifts are, maybe you already know them, maybe you don't even think you have any! Take some time this week to think about, learn about and embrace your spiritual gifts. I have received an awesome message from one of my angels about what I can do to enhance one of my spiritual gifts this week, which I'll tell you all about soon! But in the meantime, ask for guidance re: your spiritual gifts and see what comes up for you!

I'm sending you all so much love, light and angel blessings this week,



Angel Tarot Reading - February 23 to March 1 2015

Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

The reading this week is brought to you by the beautiful Angel Tarot deck by the amazing Doreen Virtueand the effervescent Radleigh Valentine. I get brilliant results from this deck and had a super fun Angel Tarot session over crumpets and tea with a friend last week. We got our decks out and were amazed at how many times the same cards kept coming up between us. Two of them even came up in the weekly reading! Woah!

Start of the week - Six of Water

We might find that lately some memories from childhood are coming up for us. This can at first seem like - OMG why the heck am I thinking about that?! You might be quick to dismiss it as some passing annoyance, but actually, if we look at some of our childhood 'stuff' we might find some answers there to some questions we've been asking ourselves. "Why do I always do that? Why do I always think like that? Why do I always make those choices?" Go back, way back and spend some time with the child of your past. Don't forget to give your inner child some love while you are there. Thank them for drawing your attention to this, hug them and then let them go play.

Middle of the week - Renewal - Archangel Jeremiel

Review and evaluate. We are looking at the end of another month, how is 2015 going for you? What was it again that you said you really wanted to achieve this year? Are you on the right path to doing that? You might find yourself doing a 180 this week. Something you really thought you wanted might seem suddenly not so interesting or important, or you might find that you are developing a passion for something you never really thought you'd even like! Don't be scared of changing your mind on something.

End of the week - The Wheel - Archangel Michael

With Archangel Michael on your side, who could stand against you?! This is a time of positive change. I feel like it's going to be more of an internal change for most of us, a change in perception, a change in how we see ourselves, a change in how we see the world. Things may be moving forward quickly, so make sure that you what you are working on and manifesting is really what you want! Fortune favours the brave, so it might be a good couple of days to work on your self-esteem 'stuff' too!

<3 May you all have an angelic week, filled with love, light and courage! <3



Weekly Reading - 16 to 22 February 2015 - The Angel Oracle Deck

Angel Oracle - Ambika Wauters
Angel Oracle - Ambika Wauters

I recently purchased this little gem of a deck for only 29p second hand and WOW am I glad I did! I have to admit I've always been a little superstitious about second hand decks, but The Angel Oracle Deck by Ambika Wauters is changing my mind about that! I'm loving it's angelic vibe so much it's my deck of choice this week for our weekly reading...

Start of the week - Archangel Metatron

Metatron is urging us to get creative at the start of this week. Remember last week when we had those messages to get learning? Sign up for a course or learn a new skill? Well, I hope you've done that and you're ready to go! Don't forget to do whatever creative thing it is that you are doing with love. If after three weeks of life drawing you find yourself dreading another session, you don't have to go back. Archangel Metatron often works with children too, and here he's reminding us to connect with our inner child this week too. What creative activity would your inner child most enjoy? Even if it's just dancing around the house like Kate Bush, make sure to connect with your inner child in creative ways this week!

Middle of the week - The Guardian Angel of Service

It's so easy to get caught up in a 'what will I get out of this?' mentality. We do it all the time, at work, in relationships, when we buy a coffee for the advertised free cookie. What about what you can give? Focus this week on being of service to others. It can be in any form, perhaps you knitted a hat in your new knitting class, you could give it away to a friend, or homeless person. Perhaps you will write a poem for a loved one, make dinner on your night off, or simply hold the door open for a stranger. Try to change your perspective a little and see what happens if you focus on service.

End of the week - The Guardian Angel of Health

OK, it's time to get back into our bodies and consider what we are putting into them and how we are treating them. Look at your current diet, exercise routine and even just the way you think about your body. It's time for a little self love this weekend. Gift yourself a massage or a Yoga class, or even just do some Yoga on YouTube. Then stop off and grab some fruit and veg that looks delicious and make yourself something healthy and super scrummy for dinner. Your body deserves it!

If we focus on creativity, service and self love this week how can we possibly go wrong?!

I'd love to see you over on Facebook or Twitter to have a chat about how our week is going. Perhaps we can share some healthy recipes, creative successes and stories of paying it forward?!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and so many Angelic Good Vibes! <3



Weekly Reading 9 - 15 February 2015 Tarot of White Cats

Tarot of White Cats - Severino Baraldi
Tarot of White Cats - Severino Baraldi

I've used the most gorgeous Tarot of White Cats for the weekly reading this week. I do love this deck so much, every time I pull it out I'm like - OMG this deck is amazing! Check out my video reviewof it if you like it too! Also, my poor kitty Zorro has been unwell and so I really wanted to put some good kitty vibes out into the Universe this week.

Start of the week - Ten of Cups

This is about counting your blessings really. If you've got someone to love or someone who loves you (even if it's just your cat) then you are damn lucky, and don't you be forgetting it. Focus your intention this week on staying in gratitude and really enjoying the little moments. You know, snuggling up on the couch with the one you love, patting your cat, hugging your kids, calling a friend or even just liking someone's post on Facebook; these are the times when you are in the love zone so notice it, be thankful for it, and really mean it.

Middle of the week - Two of Pentacles

Got a lot on right now? Are you having a bit of a melt down because you have like zero life-work balance? I'm not suggesting you start bludging at work, but you may find you need to work really hard to remember your blessings these couple of days. When you are feeling stressed, think of kittens. Put things into perspective. Will the world end if you don't get through your to-do list? Carve out a little extra time mid-week for your life, even if it getting slightly less done on work stuff.

End of the week - The Hermit reversed

First of all, can I just point out that the cat in this card is wearing sandals. Hang on, this is the card for Valentine's Day?! Well, I hope you have a great day and all, but I'm going to go ahead and say that this weekend you need to find something new to learn about. You know, after your date or night alone watching Rom Coms or whatever. While the Hermit can also represent alone time, reconnecting with spirit etc., this weekend it's about learning. You've learned a lot, you know a lot, you've done a lot. But don't stop for God's sake! Keep truckin'! You can apply to Universities, or online courses (OMG this course looks so sweet!), sign up for some free webinars, finally finish reading that book you've had half finished for waaaaay too long (for me that's Advanced Tarot Secrets!). Or buy a new book (Holistic Tarot?! - yes please!!). You won't learn that much from watching the Comedy Channel all weekend, except maybe like all the words to every Friends episode ever made.

Don't forget to check out my Valentine's Day readings on Etsy. They are super cheaper than my other readings but will be gone soon so get in quick if you want to get a cheap-o!

<3 Wishing you all a beautiful gratitude and love filled week! <3



Weekly Reading February 2nd - 8th 2015

Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989
Art Nouveau Tarot - Matt Myers - 1989

Hello Gorgeous New-Agers! Welcome to another edition of your weekly reading, and wow, what a corker we're about to have! I used the most beautiful Art Nouveau Tarot - the Matt Myers 1989 version. It's so 80's and one of my favourite decks that so doesn't get enough use! Maybe I'll use it on Tarot Tuesday!

Start of the week - Five of Wands reversed

This deck is a little different to the tradition RW/PCS decks so disregard anything you think you know about the five of wands! In this card we see a Ken doll look-a-like grabbing a hot redheaded Barbie chic. Reversed I'm getting that there is going to be a releaseof some kind for us at the start of the week. It could be that you let go of something you've been holding onto way too tightly, or something or someone lets go of you. It could be a friendship, relationship stuff, some crazy outdated thought patterns. Whatever it is, you gotta let go, and if you don't, you might find the universe steps in and takes it from you - it'll be a good thing though! Promise!

Middle of the week - Five of Pentacles reversed

OMG what the? Did I actually pull two reversed fives in a row? Yes I did. So PAY ATTENTION! This never happens. I've honestly never pulled two reversed fives in a row before. This card is also about release, but it's about releasing the attachment we have to our 2015 outcomes. Are you freaking out and pissed off at yourself that you spent all of January watching webinars about how to have a six figure business (or whatever your slice of pie in January was!) but you appear to have made no progress whatsoever? Get a grip. You still have ELEVEN months to create a freaking awesome 2015. It wasn't like you'd wake up Feb first and have all the 2015 work done. Also, it's Mercury effing Retrograde right now. It doesn't matter if you write like 100,000 words of your future best seller this month, it's still going to feel like you've done nothing. So cut yourself a break.

End of the week - Six of Cups

OMG is this guy a hottie or what? We see Ken again, this time holding out his cup, considering what it is exactly he wants his cup to contain. We're doing a lot of releasing this week, and by Friday we need to start re-filling. Don't just re-fill with the same old crap you just let go of. Seriously consider what it is you want your cup to overflow with, and then spend some time filling up. You might want to take time out to do your own card readings, journal, meditate, or maybe you need to go out and get crazy with your friends, bake cookies with your fam or just catch up on your fave shows on Netflix. Whatever it is, just remember what you fill up with is what your cup with contain!

I'm wishing you all an amazing week, and please come and tell me how it goes over on Facebook, in the comments below or on YouTube! I just got these crazy share buttons too, so if you dig this I would love it if you shared.

Oh and go and have a geezer at the old Etsy store. I've just put up some super cool Valentine's day readings! I'm doing a special #sharethelove promo thing on Etsy for V day too! Step 1. buy a reading.... Step 2. tell your friends it was ace... Step 3. your friend buys a reading... Step 4. you get a voucher for a freebie!  Yikes! #sharethelove on V day!

<3 Love, light and cups filled with golden glitter! <3



De-cluttering, To-do lists & Revenge - The Weekly Tarot Reading - 26th January to 1st February

The Housewives Tarot - Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum The weekly reading this week is coming to you via the Housewives Tarot this week. It's a fun quirky deck with a hipster retro vibe and some of the images are pretty hilarious. I haven't done a deck review of it yet, but I can if you want!

Can you even believe this weekly reading will be going into February already?!! Doesn't it just seem like only a couple of weeks ago we were embarking on this 2015 thing?! Speaking of 2015, if you would like to grab a 2015 reading with me they are running out the door and because it's nearly Feb I'm also including a 33% off discount code and a FREE three card reading for you to redeem at any point in the next six months! OMG! Check it out here. There's also a discount and free reading with the £10 version of the reading although the bargain is better with the 30 & 60 minute versions!

Enough with the promos, this is meant to be your free weekly guidance!


Start of the week - Justice

This week be really careful of dishing out 'justice', especially when you don't know all the facts. This could come in any form - berating the kids even when they said they didn't do it, getting pissed at your partner and 'forgetting' to buy his favourite snacks at the supermarket, hating on your work colleagues and switching the sugar and the salt, or God forbid - getting mad at yourself for doing, or not doing something you wanted to get done early this week. You don't have to let people walk over you or take crap, but put things in perspective and do try to see things from the other person's point of view before you start confiscating their lollipops.


Middle of the week - Nine of Pentacles reversed

Upright this nine of pents looks totally content. All her dishes are clean, dry and sparkling! Fab! Reversed though, these dishes are staying dirty. Why are your dishes grimy today? Are you too busy to stack the dishwasher, I mean really? Today is a day to spend a few minutes at least tidying, cleaning or de-cluttering. Remember that Feng Shui thing about de-cluttering?! The more crap you have lying around the less energy can flow and the less energy can flow the less energy you get, especially when we're talking abundance baby! Tidy up your crap and attract cash! Yeeeew!


End of the week - Ten of Wands

Here we see this housewife seriously struggling with her brooms and mops. She just has waaaaaaay too many cleaning tasks on the go right now and she's either going to have to put them all down and take a break, or start sorting them out slooooowly if she wants to really get anywhere...

Anyone feeling overwhelm this week? I have to admit I'm kind of freaking out - it's FEBRUARY and I'm already way behind schedule. I wanted to be sending out my newsletters this week, and giving my blog a make-over and like a gazillion other things.

When we get freaked out we have three choices - just like this chic with her brooms and mops. We can either

<3 Freak the hell out and bash the brooms around swearing and getting pissed at anyone who comes close to us and really getting nowher

<3 Put down the brooms and walk away. Take some time out from your list of things to do. Those brooms will be there tomorrow.


<3 Organise your brooms and mops one at a time. Know it's going to take time, but you can get through this list of seemingly neverending things to do.


Think before you seek revenge, do some de-cluttering and face your to-do list one thing at a time and you'll have a brilliant shiny week so clean you could eat your dinner off it!

<3 Love, light and dishwashing tabs <3




Vicious gossip + white light - The weekly Reading Jan 19 - 24 2015

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech

I just had to use my newest deck for the weekly reading this week. I've been loooooving it with my whole heart! It's the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech and if you like it, you can get it (AND SHOULD GET IT!) by clicking here. Also, check out that killer review on Wordery! I freaking LOVE Wordery!

Anyway! Here are your Faery messages for this week...

Start of the week - Silver Sisters

This card is all about gossip and negative energy. It could be that others are throwing their negative vibes at you and you need to protect yourself from it, or it could be that you have thrown some daggers and nasty words around about others. This is bad, and I know it's hard because some people seriously are dicks and they piss you off and so you need to vent. But make sure your venting doesn't throw negative energy at that person. It's OK to say to a friend - it made me feel really mad when this person did [whatever]. It's not OK to go on a total bitch-fest. Raise your vibration and stop bitching. If you are in a seriously negative environment and just can't see how that's even possible - get out of it.

If you need protection from this kind of negativity try imagining yourself in a pink (or colour of your choice) bubble. Clear yourself with white light and ask your Angels, Faeries and Guides to clear you and keep you safe from other people's negativity. You can also wear crystals - especially dark colours like black tourmaline or obsidian.

Middle of the week - The Grail Faery

The new moon on Tuesday night is going to bring us into a re-set vibe. You can read more about this coming new moon on Gala Darling's blog. This Faery is telling us a similar story. We need to check in with our new years resolutions or 2015 goals or wishes. Are you on the same path you were on at the start of this year? Do you need to amp it up and put in some extra effort? Do you need to totally get back on course? Do you just need to re-affirm your commitment to making 2015 your best year EVER?! Time to make yourself accountable. Let go of procrastination and any shit that's weighing you down and get back on track!

If you wanna work on your goals you need this book. If you are feeling like - OMG WTF am I doing with my 2015 and my life?! have a think about getting one of the last remaining 2015 readings!

End of the week - The Unicorn and the Maiden

Woah, what a powerful card. This is all about humans and animals coming together to work together to create peace on this planet. What do you need to do in your life to create a better planet? Recycle, stop buying crazy packaged fruit or veg when you could buy it loose. Pat and love animals instead of wearing them as fancy outfits. Buy the 'safe' versions of cleaning products. OK, this isn't always totally practical, but do your best. Do what you can.

Every night before you go to sleep imagine planet Earth, like how it looks from space. Imagine white light surrounding the planet - creating peace. Imagine if we all did that.

If you need any more tips and tricks on how to protect yourself energetically or if you want to share your tools and thoughts please come by Facebookand hang out! If you'd like a reading with me check out my Readingspage and if you want to see these cards up close and personal follow me on Instagram!

Here's to a totally awesome week! :-)

<3 Love, light and Unicorn pats <3


Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3

